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The Sandbox - HoustonThe Sandbox is a collection of off-topic discussions. Humorous threads, Sports talk, and a wide variety of other topics can be found here. If it's NOT an adult-themed topic, then it belongs here needed an "in" from me to address me???
No wonder...makes perfect sense now...thanks.
Who said I needed it? I just offered my thanks for you walking to the river and voluntarily drinking. ;-) not that I hurt over it just be more judicious in who you call a fucking idiot when you're carrying those heavy sentences in your sig. Furthermore, I don't know the chic you're referring to in your sig but I've seen you mention her before and "if" I'm not mistaken it would seem to me you're breaking a board rule of electronically following her around and harassing her.
just wondering now that Trump is in office. Would it be considered unpatriotic of me if I wanted to see America now become a Banana Republic if I wanted to see us collapse from within. Maybe a little Armageddon to go with my morning coffee?
You can answer this question to yourself or contribute to this thread. If you opt to contribute to this thread be careful how you answer. I think most of you may already know where I'm going with this.
America is on Fire but - We Don't Need No Water Let The Mother Fucker Burn!!! Burn Mother Fucker BURN!!!!
You're still here?? SMMFH.....I thought your sorry ass be in Canada by now......
You're still here?? SMMFH.....I thought your sorry ass be in Canada by now......
I guess Trump loves him some Mexican Warriors. Let me ask you Mexican Warrior do you also have a problem with Taco trucks on every corner? You must be the Mexican version of the black self hating Uncle Rukus?
Again this is a perfect example of how liberals, progressives, Democrats call themselves the party/people of tolerance and then despise the country that gives them the freedom but choose to be toxic to those that don't share their beliefs or when they don't get their way. This is a country of 'we' and not 'me'. Yes, please move to Canada. I do find it an appropriate statement that none of them want to move to our neighbors in the South.
Again this is a perfect example of how liberals, progressives, Democrats call themselves the party/people of tolerance and then despise the country that gives them the freedom but choose to be toxic to those that don't share their beliefs or when they don't get their way. This is a country of 'we' and not 'me'. Yes, please move to Canada. I do find it an appropriate statement that none of them want to move to our neighbors in the South.
Did you feel the same way when those godless muthafuckers in congress obstructed Obama and in engaged in treasonous behavior the past 8 yrs while the tea party loons openly rooted for the country to fail? I'm sure you didn't so shut your trap.
Turnabout is fair play. Now you Nationalists want to be patriotic again. Fucking wierdos
Did you feel the same way when those godless muthafuckers in congress obstructed Obama and in engaged in treasonous behavior the past 8 yrs while the tea party loons openly rooted for the country to fail? I'm sure you didn't so shut your trap.
Turnabout is fair play. Now you Nationalists want to be patriotic again. Fucking wierdos
Treasonous behavior?
One day you and the rest of your millennial buddies will have to move out of your moms houses, get real jobs, families, and responsibilities and then maybe just maybe you'll see how foolish you were.
And yes it's unpatriotic to hope for America to fail but it's your right as a citizen...assuming you are one of course.
I want America to thrive no matter who is in office. We are a nation of diverse peoples and ideologies, one that hopefully will find a way to come together in freedom, peace, prosperity, and security. How that happens will be a matter of great debate and scrutiny over the next 4 years, but let us pray that intolerance and violence won't be major factors.
One day you and the rest of your millennial buddies will have to move out of your moms houses, get real jobs, families, and responsibilities and then maybe just maybe you'll see how foolish you were.
And yes it's unpatriotic to hope for America to fail but it's your right as a citizen...assuming you are one of course.
Yep treason; you conveniently forget the 47 senators letter to the Ayatollah of Iran while Obama and our Allies were negotiating a nuclear deal? It's the VERY definition of Treason along with unprecedented Obstruction. All of you cheered it on defiantly.
You guys are the biggest fucking hypocrites on the planet. One of my white friends told me last year (and he was spot on) that the southern {race not to be named} male is the worst type of humanity on earth. I balked at the notion but its clear he was spot on about your types.
I want America to thrive no matter who is in office. We are a nation of diverse peoples and ideologies, one that hopefully will find a way to come together in freedom, peace, prosperity, and security. How that happens will be a matter of great debate and scrutiny over the next 4 years, but let us pray that intolerance and violence won't be major factors.
Scary times.
I agree with you but i just think its funny now all these guys want to be Patriotic again when they were anything but the past 8 yrs. Republicans are not Patriots they are Nationalists and that's a pretty big distinction. A good example is North Koreans. They worship Kim Jumg Ung like mindless bots its not patriotism its Nationalism. just like the KKK and the thousands of anti-govnt. militias out here looking to start armed conflicts.
With trump I'm a bit stressed out too. I think in 2 years they will move to impeach him. He is and has been to dumb to stay out of trouble. A fucking reality tv star for president smdh. And white folks cried for years at the lack of experience Obama had. If only he had a show on tv then that would have prepared him, who fucking knew. Maybe we should run one of the basketball wives next time.
I agree with you but i just think its funny now all these guys want to be Patriotic again when they were anything but the past 8 yrs. Republicans......
Over the past 8 years, me thincks the amount of tax my hobby brother max has paid is approaching (deleted) digits. Mine too.
How much more fuckin patriotic does a man need to be?