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Old 08-11-2015, 05:04 PM   #31
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Isnt it a wonderful world when Patel will play Inspector Clouseau .
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Old 08-11-2015, 07:31 PM   #32
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I do think it's commendable that the mgr was concerned about a crime on his property. And after looking at the video confirmed OP's thoughts of bring ripped off. And was still willing to call the police to report the rip off.
I would have declined also, wouldn't want my name involve in any police report.
But realistically, out of the couple hundred providers that frequent Houston, these types of incidents are minimal. Less than 3% I would estimate. Maybe more happen going unreported. More often a BP report. Verified providers rarely pull this shit. Although just last week another gal stole all her partners shit and split. Another new girl.
I have to agree with the consensus, see Fancy. She's offering you a bargain of a deal, and the wealth of knowledge you can tap into, (and tap her pot of gold) will put you on the path of happy hobbying.
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Old 08-11-2015, 08:25 PM   #33
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Lol I def think we should have a wrestling match! NAKED heheheh

Originally Posted by RickyGshots View Post
Too soon Nikki! Lol jk bustin ya balls..

Anyway OP don't get discouraged. Some men have been in dangerous situations before. I know you say you are just too nice. But you do have to be smart. Do that and you won't be in a bad situation where people would take advantage of your niceness...
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Old 08-11-2015, 08:51 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Fancyinheels View Post
THIS provider?


Damn, I have her on the Houston Newbie-Friendly Provider List. Unless she comes in here and offers a substantive rebuttal, or BETTER, contacts the OP, shows him a receipt for the hospital, and offers him a make-up session, and he TELLS us this, I have to pull her name off there asap.

So, this List you have is not going to be a Newbie-Friendly List, but a list of perfect ladies who like Newbies, huh?

First off, I am not saying anything about the OP. Everything may very well have happened just like the OP said. But, only two people know for sure. Why are you going to hurt her making a living, Fancy.

This is why some people are not happy with the mods actions sometimes. We have to have proof before we impact a member.

And Fancy, I do not have a problem at this time with you or your list. But, if you start editing said list based on he said/she said, there will be some discussions in modville on whether to allow it to continue. Fairness has to rule.
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Old 08-11-2015, 09:02 PM   #35
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Mr. Pete,

There is a policing mechanism in the wider ECCIE world too. Miss Fancy is a wise and well respected member of the community. She is already fully aware of which you speak.

I will be happy to share the PM's with you where the fairness of the action that might be taken is discussed. She would not take action based on just what has been presented on the board alone.

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Old 08-11-2015, 09:27 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Pistolero View Post
So, this List you have is not going to be a Newbie-Friendly List, but a list of perfect ladies who like Newbies, huh?
Fairness has to rule.
I was there to witness the inception of the thread and much thought was put into it, in the name of fairness. Unfortunately no one could foresee having an alert put out on a provider. Technically since this is not in the alert section, is it still an alert? I vote yes. How about another solution? In the name of fairness, allow the lady in question to present her side of the story.
The list did have requirements asked of the ladies, to provide an alternate way of screening those without VP references, and to be reference friendly also. Perhaps an amendment needs to be added stating be alert free? Like I said, this is a pretty rare occurrence, there has you be a way to protect the newbies as well as the providers.
Any ideas Pete? Other than just shutting it down? Put the gun down and let's talk about this
Other than this one indecent, the thread has been very helpful to guys just joining.

BTW, this does not affect the ladies way of making a living. She still has her showcase, and can still be newbie friendly. She's just not listed in the sticky is all.
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Old 08-11-2015, 09:44 PM   #37
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Default Thank you!

Originally Posted by BDD View Post
Thanks for the info and for naming names. You are learning. She's been on ECCIE about 6 months and her one "no" review would have made me skeptical. I understand though. Sometimes the little head wins the argument. How much did she take you for?

IF, and that is a big IF, you face this again and are inclined to front the money I would suggest you ask the lady to go turn the car off and leave her keys and her purse in the room while she goes to the front desk.

Hang in there bon69. They aren't all theives.
I'd just give her the room $... And yes, there's actually good providers still out there. You just gotta do some research. I know, all the yes reviews.... Anyways, just keep your head up.
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Old 08-11-2015, 10:05 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by BDD View Post
Mr. Pete,

There is a policing mechanism in the wider ECCIE world too. Miss Fancy is a wise and well respected member of the community. She is already fully aware of which you speak.

I will be happy to share the PM's with you where the fairness of the action that might be taken is discussed. She would not take action based on just what has been presented on the board alone.


And apparently NOONE or no thing is going to stop her from making her living.... IJS.... Not if she is a r-o-b.
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Old 08-11-2015, 10:12 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by H.Hardhat View Post
No session, No review.
What gets me...
"I was robbed by two black guys and on my way to the hospital"
Why's a brother always gotta take the fall?
Racist shit got no place here.
Black guy always takes the fall. Smh
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Old 08-11-2015, 10:42 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by DarkTwistedFantasies View Post
Black guy always takes the fall. Smh
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Old 08-11-2015, 11:37 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by H.Hardhat View Post
No session, No review.
What gets me...
"I was robbed by two black guys and on my way to the hospital"
Why's a brother always gotta take the fall?
Racist shit got no place here.
Hey dog with a hard hat, I never would have guess you're a "brother". Racism is alive and well here in the USA, Mexicans get discriminated as well.
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Old 08-12-2015, 12:29 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by DarkTwistedFantasies View Post
Black guy always takes the fall. Smh
Well maybe they should stop doing whatever it is there are doing .
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Old 08-12-2015, 12:38 AM   #43
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No I'm not AA, but I am a child of the 60's &.70's where we were all brothers. So yeah, the term "brother" is just a figure of speech. And it's true, racism is alive and thriving here in the South and on this board. I was just commenting on the thief automatically said it was two black guys who jumped her. Is that supposed to make it more believable? The study of human nature sometimes amazes me as I watch it unfold here in these threads.
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Old 08-12-2015, 08:25 AM   #44
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OK, HH. Once again, let me say this is nothing against the OP. His story may be completely true..

BUT, can YOU say for sure that two black guys did not rob her? Oh yeah, that hotel clerk looked at the video BY HIMSELF. Nope, no robbery on my place.

All I saw was this hooker go into your room for a minute. Do YOU want me to call the POLICE and show them the video. Guy says Hell No, no cops.

Maybe the clerk saw the robbery. Maybe he gets a payoff from hooker. Maybe he fucks her. Maybe there was no robbery except for the OP.

YOU DON'T KNOW. ONLY the OP and hooker know.

That is what I mean. The Newbie Friendly thread IS a extra ad for those in it. It gives name, contact info and an offer to see newbies. It needs to be a level playing field. That is what the mods attempt to have for the rest of the board.

I have no plans to shut the thread down without discussion with other mods. But, I am saying if it changes from a level field that that discussion will take place.
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Old 08-12-2015, 09:37 AM   #45
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With all respect to mods near and far, let's make something crystal clear: The Houston Newbie-Friendly Provider List has nothing to do with a lady's ability to make a living. It is not an advertising thread, and whether or not it offers providers additional exposure on ECCIE is completely immaterial. It was started as a RESEARCH TOOL to assist new Hobbyists who were constantly posting looking for newbie-friendly ladies, since they are apparently a minority on this site.

ECCIE's search engine does not offer that as one of the parameters for finding a provider. (Seems to be solely about looks, frankly, and doesn't include more practical concerns of location, price, incall/outcall, and who a provider is wiling to see, all things that would be very handy for clients to know.) Fellows just entering our playground must normally wade through numerous Showcases and ads looking for those ladies willing to work with them. All I did was collect the newbie-friendly ladies together and drop them into one practical place, and recently location/area of town was added as another convenience for the fellows. It seems to be a popular aid in the search for companionship, as in a few short months it has racked up 22,000+ views, making it one of the top threads on the site.

If you take it away, you are penalizing the GENTLEMEN, not the ladies.

I was told that the mods wanted nothing to do with it, so I took the responsibility of monitoring and editing it at MY discretion. (I even have a disclaimer on it stating that ECCIE doesn't endorse anyone on it.) Has been running fine so far, smooth as my pale, silken skin. I have already dropped ladies for not following the rules, such as requiring references when they are supposed to be willing to screen other ways, for not being reference-friendly with other providers, even for not responding to numerous requests for additional info from me. I also don't automatically add anybody who asks. They have to agree to the stated terms. Granted, I didn't include a "morals" clause because, after all, we are ALL immoral here, but if I thought a companion was scamming people, don't I have a responsibility to remove her from the HNFPL so that she doesn't bring down the reputation of everybody else on it?

Speaking of being REPUTABLE, the willingness of most future providers to see a happy Hobbyist is predicated on how much they trust a gent's references, so what good will it do to leave someone on the HNFPL if other providers will no longer accept her as a vouch?

I said that I would drop Phoenix's name fro the HNFPL as soon as possible, but I ALSO said that perhaps we should give her a chance to respond, which is exactly what I'm doing. I wrote her, voiced my concerns over what this warning is doing to her reputation, and advised her to defend herself. (Normally I tell providers to ignore bad reviews, insults, spurious accusations, but in this case what has been related is too severe to let stand uncontested.) I noticed that she has logged in since the thread was posted, and the fact that she hasn't responded is troubling, but perhaps she is recovering from the alleged assault?

Let's see how this plays out. I'm not in any hurry, as I don't update the list again until Monday, but again, to reiterate, what happens in my puny pussy project has nothing to do with any provider's ability to pull in income. It only only has significance to gentleman looking for companionship who haven't had any visits with reputable ladies previously.

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