Originally Posted by CurvyKatie
Please share your secrets sir
DEAR_JOHN made a outstanding post, and I would like to add a few.
First you have power vampires all around your house you don't know about. That old coffee pot you keep plugged in all the time may be sucking a lot of energy when not in use, same with the toaster oven, TVs in unused bedrooms, etc.
Get something like these and use them.
Another thing is air leakage. A lot of homes were not built to tighter standards that most are now. We used to say a house needs to breathe, not now. A cheap easy way to cut out conditioned air loss is weatherstripping. Make sure your doors and windows are sealed properly. Those cheap foam gaskets that you can buy for your exterior wall outlets are worth the effort.
A good HVAC unit with a fresh air vent is a must if you can afford it.
If you want to spend a few bucks, thermal cameras are inexpensive now days. There are even phones that have them built in. If not on yours, you can add them pretty cheap.
Something like this for $200 is what I am talking about.
You might be able to split the cost with some family members and go walk around your home and see where your dollars are leaking out. As a bonus, they also can detect termite infestations in your walls as their colonies emit heat.
Seal that attic door!
Make sure the area around the dryer vent is sealed (clean out that fire hazard while you are looking at it.)
If you want to, take down your AC registers and seal the gap between the sheetrock and the box, you can use the dishwasher to clean the registers if you want while the caulk dries.
Replace those recessed can lights with LEDs, they cheap and easy to do. Those usually have a gasket on them that solves air leakage in that fixture. Generally replace any incandescent or florescent bulb you can with LEDs.
Lots of easy cheap things you can do that adds to your efficiency. A few dollars a month over a year adds up.
I am sure others have plenty of good ideas also.