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Presidential debate...are you for Trump or Clinton...
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Yes. More of the same BS from ClinTrump. Not supporting either. People need to know that there are other options. That's why I'm going third party (Johnson-Stein-Castle-McMullin)
I love how many times Mr. Trump mentioned "Shawn Hannity" from FOX news at the CNN debate, lol..
Yes I recall that. As much as Hillary tries to throw him under a bus, his comebacks are to die for. My favorite highlight was when he said he will show his taxes when Hillary shows her 33,000 deleted emails. I literally died with that statement because the look on her face was priceless.
Commentary I previously posted to my Political forum "friends". lol
Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
I'm not really into being overly partisan about this debate but you don't get a second chance to make a good first impression. I was totally prepared to start a Fuck You Hillary thread had she lost the debate because I know she's superior to Trump. I would have been extremely disappointed in her but Hillary exceeded ALL expectations even though the bar was already set very high for her.
I realize Trump's supporters are angry and have to spin a victory for him but I'm level-headed and reasonable and you guys simply aren't. Trump lost last night and big and if you think like (DSK) that he won then it truly signifies you just aren't a smart person. Even the racists and nationalists at Stormfront realize this guy lost and BIG.
He made foolish faces and looked angry and sullen. His answers show how intellectually lazy he is, mostly the same crap as his stump speech. It was an extremely scatter brain performance from Trump, he was incoherent and kept going off topic repeatedly. I think he suffers from ADD or a bi-polar disorder. He looked tired and exasperated. He kept drinking water over and over and over and over again. Not once did Hilary take a sip, not once. It was a total and complete embarrassment for Trump. He kept sniffling and gasping for air, talking in incomplete sentences and fell completely apart when she said he wasn't worth what he claims.
Conversely, Hillary did well for herself and should continue to get a slow trickling of Gary Johnson supporters over the next two debates. I was very pleased with her performance. I particularly liked how near the end of the debate she brought up how words matter and appealed to the rest of the world to not give heed to Trump's words. She belittled him there and it was one of her finest moments. She clipped his balls off in front of the world and that was that.
He walked off stage looking broken and defeated while trying to fake smile. He fell right into Hillary's trap. She was literally laughing at him on stage, she was mean and vicious (political speak) and at the end of it; all this moron had to say for himself was that he started to say something bad about Bill Clinton and her family but decided not to. It was the ultimate being neutered moment.
Lastly, this was a trap and he failed. Now he's shown his cards for the next debate and Hillary will adjust. She came out playing coy and lulled him to sleep and she ripped into his asshole. Next time he will be looking for revenge and will go after Bill Clinton's infidelities at which time she will play the victim. Trump has no idea what kind of gamesmanship he's involved in. He's has no idea Hillary is setting him up he's just not ready for Prime Time and it proves his book Art of the deal is all bullshit. This woman is kicking his ass.
I'm writing in my dog's name. I don't want either Trump or Clinton headlining the entertainment. The country is stuck between Scylla and Charybdis, a choice of two evils.
Youre on the right track Jemma.
Alex Jones makes a lot of good points, covers many issues not even mentioned by mainstream media.
The left vs. right paradigm is an illusion.
Tyranny vs. liberty is whats really at stake.
I wont participate in such a corrupt process.
I value my privacy, my liberty, and having to buy it back from the man (or woman) which the form of licenses and permits is disgusting to me.
The rabbit hole goes very deep and is not a comfortable place for many who are not ready to take the red pill.