Thank you sir mod/s for your reply/s to my wee hours early morning PM.
mmmm well that sucks, so lets try this thread.
It has come to the attention of many of us that a guy/s will try ta see many gals/providers using fake names, handles/2nd handles and review just to prove that he/they can get by gals/providers screening. With little regard if you(providers) would want to see him/them again or not. Yes I am sure many would not mind, yet I know many would.
Side note: checking with providers, trying to get in ta see providers with PM, email, and text is way up. So is rejection for trying ta see with PM, email, and text only. Trying to bypass screening.
edit add: As I know that some providers would never want to meet or see me. I will always let ya know just who I am. As I would not want to deal with a gal with them not knowing they be with that OSD jackass.