Originally Posted by Prolongus
There can be a blurry line between having an ATF and wanting her for more than just an appointment. Wanting to be with her, live with her. That happens here and from what I've read and been told, it usually ends up badly.
When it ends, "poof" goes the ATF.
Do you risk it?
From the short time I've been on here (and observations from media and plain human nature), it seems to me there are a variety of hobbyists. All of this is over simplistic, of course, but I see two basic polarities:
Some guys, from their posts, seem to hobby because they're horny and want pussy (or a bng or whatever they're after). It's purely biological, and providers are merchants of pure physical satisfaction.
Then there are those after the GFE. It's about the need for human touch and companionship. Physical pleasure is almost a spiritual/emotional experience, and there's a desire to feel like there's been something shared in the experience (even if that feeling is all just part of the show).
I think for the second group, we're always just skating around that blurry line. How close do you come to that GFE without it becomeing more GF than it should be, and that's healthy for everyone. For myself, I think an ATF is the ultimate goal, but with Prolongus' warning very clear in the forefront.
It's all fun and games until someone pokes their eye out