Originally Posted by Mr.loverloverpgh
I dont know why yall hatin on her. Yea i just signed up to this site, only cuz she asked me to, so i could help her out with a good review to up her business a bit. Why the hell is that such a bad thing??
Generally speaking, that's historically only done by the girl, the girl's pimp, or a white knight. You will literally be the first handle in the history of the internet to buck that trend.
Originally Posted by Mr.loverloverpgh
Not only is she hot, but i think her personality is awesome too. If yall dont think so, so be it. Idk why u would wanna try to mess with the way someone tries to make a living. Shes never been anything but a great time with me. But i understand not everyone has the same experience. Id have a hard time tryin to fake havin fun with a fat ugly old ass dude. Just my 2 cents.
I have a hard time trying to fake having fun with a fat white girl, and see no reason to do so in the hobby. Getting a data point to that effect
is what hobby review sites are for. To that extent an honest review "messes with the way someone makes a living?" Welcome to a market economy, bro. If you can't figure it out, it's gonna be rough sledding in life.
Haven't seen the girl beyond her pictures, but you know what? When you get pushback
like the kind you are providing people like me see 1 of the 3 categories above. In other words,
you have hurt her business far worse than the bad review. Quit while you are behind.