Thanks for the fine and accurate review!
In response to the PMs/emails I've received, this
is indeed the same unusually pretty and sassy, fun Ariana I've reviewed several times previously, after all! Pics of her are
there if you're interested. She was previously at NYNY, where I also reviewed her earlier.
I was skeptical, because I hadn't heard in advance she was returning, and I would have expected her to let me know.
Hey, Is
Ariana Trying to Erase All Evidence of Relationship?? Am I Pete Davidson or something??
But it is indeed her and we're all fortunate that she's back. She just wanted to start slow and ease back into this biz.
She's only planning to stay through this Sunday, so see her while you can.
She is planning to return in December, though, for a somewhat longer stay (in case you miss her this trip).