Originally Posted by BigJon51
I rarely post anything other than reviews and I hope I'm not violating some rule but I do have a question. There are male members (pun intended) whose posts seem to contribute little to the board other than make us aware of their continued presence. I just kind of note the poster and if it is one of them I skip their contribution. Some of the VPs occasionally blast them for their posts. Why do you think the mods put up with these members and is there in fact anything that could be done?
hey jimmie largecrapper ...maybe yas shoulds names ...these ...members ya seems so offputs ...by ifs it be such an issue in yer perfect world
...cause jesus christ ferbid thats on ...a whore board builts round the criminality a payin ta sniff ...cunts someone as upstandin an obviously ...sensative as ya be woulds haves ta endure the punishment of havin ...ta sees posts thats donts meet yer superior standards