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Old 06-12-2011, 07:51 PM   #1
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Default Half-Hour Dates...The Verdict

Ladies: How do you feel about Half-Hour Dates?? Do you provide them or give them to repeat clients. What are the advantages & disadvantages of Half-Hour dates.

Guys: Do you like Half-Hour dates when your in a rush & just want a quickie. Do you feel your ATFs should offer this to you for being a valued client.

Half-Hour dates are the norm in South Florida...Especially Working man Lunch-Break Incall Specials. Was wondering if Half-Hour dates are valued in your city?
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Old 06-12-2011, 07:54 PM   #2
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I offer them but I rarely ever book em. They always go for the hour or 2 hour. I see more men that are older so they like the longer session. The younger gents are the ones that book the 30 min sessions.
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Old 06-12-2011, 07:54 PM   #3
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Half-hour dates suck, IMO. I hate to feel rushed. I enjoy a bit of light conversation first, some playful looks and teasing, and then move onto other activities. Can't do all of that in 30 minutes...
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Old 06-12-2011, 08:08 PM   #4
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Default Here's the thing...

I don't have any use for half hour quickies. I treat each date as a special event for the week or month depending on who it is or what is involved with making plans to meet. I prefer at least 90 minutes to enjoy the full experience.
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Old 06-12-2011, 08:11 PM   #5
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I'm new to the hobby and was offering them at first to anyone but am slowly phasing it out because of that very reason IDMT. Hobbies are supposed to be fun not stressful. At least that's how i feel. When things are rushed they aren't as fun, tend to not go quite right and end up not being a leisure activity after all. I will offer them, as a last resort, to Consistent Clients only. My Consistent Clients may also take advantage of an amazing B&G. No worries, for everyone else there is a relaxed longer french lesson.
I also see that it is the younger clients that want the short "quickie" sessions, at least for the most part.
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Old 06-12-2011, 08:49 PM   #6
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I don't care for them but than I like to be unrushed and take our time...Now I have had gentlemen book and hour and they were a time restraint due to work or what not and leave before the hour was up but that is rare and I always make sure they leave relaxed and grinning wickedly...
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Old 06-12-2011, 08:58 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by LynnT View Post
I offer them but I rarely ever book em. They always go for the hour or 2 hour. I see more men that are older so they like the longer session. The younger gents are the ones that book the 30 min sessions.
Most of my dates want extended time. I agree, that the older gentleman enjoy longer sessions. I did briefly offer half hour rates and got a number of undesirables not to mention those I did see for a half hour date, still tried to push beyond a half hour. In addition might I add, that those wanting a half hour date generally are impulsive and want to schedule with little to no notice, and generally don't give enough time for screening verification.
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Old 06-12-2011, 09:35 PM   #8
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Every now and then all I want is to just get off. It's not very often but I'm sure all of us (male and female) have felt this way at one time or other. The half hour date is good for this. It's not anything but let's get this going and get to the goal. Other than that I like a longer more intimate session
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Old 06-12-2011, 11:13 PM   #9
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To me, providers that emphasize in advertising half-hour dates scream high volume. It means she wants as many clients in as short amount of time. Also, it is a warning sign of a clock-watcher. Now that doesn't mean I'm opposed to providers who offer 1/2 hour dates to previous clients, or providers that have it on the menu but aren't blatant/up front saying I offer quickies.
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Old 06-12-2011, 11:26 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Cpalmson View Post
To me, providers that emphasize in advertising half-hour dates scream high volume. It means she wants as many clients in as short amount of time. Also, it is a warning sign of a clock-watcher. Now that doesn't mean I'm opposed to providers who offer 1/2 hour dates to previous clients, or providers that have it on the menu but aren't blatant/up front saying I offer quickies.
Although you feel that way, with "me" it's not the case. I'm actually very low volume. I don't want as many clients as I can get in a short amount of time, but I'd rather make something than nothing. I'm also not a clock watcher. But many times, guys are only good for one pop and do so fairly quickly. If the guy knows he's only good for one and it doesn't take him long, what is the point is "wasting" excess time just shooting the shit? To "me," it's not ALL about the money. It's about giving him what he wants. He wants GFE? He's got that. If he wants PSE, he's got that. He wants a quickie? I got that covered too.

Originally Posted by hobbyprojb View Post
Ladies: How do you feel about Half-Hour Dates?? Do you provide them or give them to repeat clients. What are the advantages & disadvantages of Half-Hour dates.
I offer them-always have. I actually "prefer" to leave the 30 minute session for my repeat clientele, one I have already built up a relationship and comfort level with. The advantages: Sometimes I may only be in the mood to bust a quick one myself and don't want to be a GFE. I want to get mine, and give him his. So it works out for us both. At the end of the day I have more money than I did at the beginning of the day. More money and sexually satisfied. Hmm, not a bad combination. Disadvantages? Sometimes that one bust isn't enough for me as I am in my prime and it leaves me wanting more. But it's ok...he can get me started and B.O.B. can finish it off! lol

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Old 06-13-2011, 04:36 AM   #11
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I have to agree with what's already been said. 1/2 hour dates may allow you to get off, but the guys tend to feel rushed throughout the entire process. While ladies may be willing to go over a few minutes (or more) on an hour date, I would imagine they would be bigger sticklers for time with shorter dates. I offer them to repeat friends, but I prefer not to offer them to new friends so I can make sure I meet as many of their needs as possible
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Old 06-13-2011, 05:01 AM   #12
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I pretty much agree with the above statements...

I offer half hours to regulars, they have earned certain perks such as that or BnG dates...

Problem I have run into with a few, is that they want 30mins but try to push the time limits.
I hate clock watching (and some have gotten over on me because of that), but if you want 30, then 30-40 is what should be had. Not push to an hour unless you compensate for the time.

I love to chit chat, snuggle, etc. So I cater more towards gentlemen who want an hour or more. Half hours and quickies make ME feel rushed so I can imagine how the men feel.

Great topic!

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Old 06-13-2011, 05:02 AM   #13
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I rarely look for anything less than 2 or 3 hrs. There is nothing wrong with shorter sessions down to 30 min, it just doesn't fit what I am looking for. My preference is to save my time and money for something longer later.
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Old 06-13-2011, 07:16 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by hotlips_houlihan View Post
Although you feel that way, with "me" it's not the case. I'm actually very low volume. I don't want as many clients as I can get in a short amount of time, but I'd rather make something than nothing. I'm also not a clock watcher. But many times, guys are only good for one pop and do so fairly quickly. If the guy knows he's only good for one and it doesn't take him long, what is the point is "wasting" excess time just shooting the shit? To "me," it's not ALL about the money. It's about giving him what he wants. He wants GFE? He's got that. If he wants PSE, he's got that. He wants a quickie? I got that covered too.

I offer them-always have. I actually "prefer" to leave the 30 minute session for my repeat clientele, one I have already built up a relationship and comfort level with. The advantages: Sometimes I may only be in the mood to bust a quick one myself and don't want to be a GFE. I want to get mine, and give him his. So it works out for us both. At the end of the day I have more money than I did at the beginning of the day. More money and sexually satisfied. Hmm, not a bad combination. Disadvantages? Sometimes that one bust isn't enough for me as I am in my prime and it leaves me wanting more. But it's ok...he can get me started and B.O.B. can finish it off! lol

You just stated the reasons I love half-hour dates. Sometimes you just want to have a quickie on your lunch break & get back to work with a smile on your face.

10 Minute Make Out Session
20 Minute French Lesson/CIM

And I'm good to go!
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Old 06-13-2011, 10:12 PM   #15
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I'm the ultimate procrastinator so a half hour date would just be a waste of my time.I prefer longer dates,but in my younger days if I was in the hobby back then this probably would have been more to my liking.
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