Originally Posted by jackie@sintropolis
. . . too bad I don't do outcall for new clients. If that wasn't a deal breaker for you, we might have something to discuss, and you might not continue to be disappointed. In my personal life, I'm delighted to spend an hour or more working towards the goal - with little, if any, interruption. Although I enjoy a NRP here (a no review policy) - I know many in Omaha can vouch for my inherent and intuitive "abilities".
- Jackie
And of course, as you mention, all reviews and statements are fantasy and for amusement only.
Jackie thank you . I know your a good provider as I have talked to people that know you and they said the same. I believe we have crossed this bridge before. I completely respect your policy. Maybe some day we can get together. For this particular one I really think I need familiar surroundings to accomplish my goal. I just can't relax in a foreign place. Don't get me wrong I understand your rules and have no issue with it. It is a shame though as you sound like someone that can handle the request.