I feel like I've answered
this question before, but I will give it another try:
The moderating staff issues bans to members for blatant misconduct, such as posting personal information about a member, threats of outing or violence, multiple handles, personal attacks, etc. Bans are rarely permanent but depending on the offense, they can be.
Violations of the rules result in a member getting a warning or infraction points. If a member earns too many infraction points, the system automatically bans them for 90 days. This is the most common way "troublesome" members get banned - through repeated violations of the rules.
Having unpopular opinions is not a violation. See
The Political Forum for examples.
If you see a post that you feel violates the rules, report it to the staff by clicking the Repost Post icon (

). These reports are seen by staff and action will be taken, if appropriate.