Originally Posted by loveitdou
I welcome your opinion and hope that you will offer constructive ideas. As usual I am forced to say that I will very easily Ignore haters.
My advise is enjoy your're money, it is meant to be spent and go find your dreams and explore the world and enjoy the best pussy out there! You already know that. I think the porn star route as suggested in the prior post is great advise even if you try it once, not like you can't afford it!
And you also know Germany has corrupted me ( German class starts today actually) and we enjoy opposite ends of the spectrum of whoremongering and our pussy budgets are night and day. If someone wanted to detail our experiences in an XXX style novel/movie it would be the modern day version of ' The Prince and the Pauper' so unfortunately my budget doesn't allow me to truly help you with ideas as even Germany's best options are beneath you ( probably too filthy and messy too)!
Now I can make one suggestion to you speaking of ' Princes and Porn Stars' as I really think as stated before in the prior post that route truly is an option you need to explore, I agree 100% with that poster and if I had the funds I would do it. Actually I will be doing it but on a much lower scale, both in price, quality but for 129E can't complain
Tell your Captain to sail you a little to the north and send a message to Prince Harry you are on the way to get him. The European prostitution circuit is a mega billion plus Euro a year industry much bigger than we can ever imagine and many at some point ' do time' in London. The hottest girls from E Europe/Russia/Ukraine/Baltics/Slavics etc. for the most part make up the majority. I've been corrupted not only by Germany's many options but also by some very good friends I have made from the British Isles. I often find myself awake talking to them on What'sApp at odd hours of the night getting real monger stories and live reports out of Germany at my favorite clubs and my rapidly growing harem there that is now more populous than the one here
It is my understanding that Harry has the inside track on the best pussy in Europe and the world for that matter and his massive harem often is rife with porn stars. If he could be so kind to share with you their names I have no doubt you could afford them. His genetics are not that of his brother and he was fathered by a playboy not Charles ( Diana HATED having to fuck him and also was rumored to give a great blowjob with cum in mouth but she reserved those for her playboys) and his mom was a cum dumpster to many men in addition to Charles and Harry's father for that matter much to the shame of the Queen and those who place high honor or shall we say ' honour' in the monarchical history of their country. It has been told to me that Queen Elizabeth was actually very happy the day a baby popped out of Kate's vagina not only because the baby was offspring but it pretty much knocked Harry out of any chance of ever being King although she would have not permitted such anyway.
Harry apparently is in to gangbangs as well and loves to dress up in all kinds of outfits ( including an old SS uniform from WWII) and when the Queen goes to bed he comes out to play. It is also said when he has a 'girlfriend' ( often porn stars and prostitutes) to bring her to swinger parties and gets off watching them get banged by multiple men sometimes numbering in the dozens and likes to go last.
I think although he has access to millions of pounds and the largest gold depository in the world and outfits to wear while fucking dating back centuries to the middle ages and prior that he would in theory be a great guy to monger with if for no other reason he holds the keys to the best of the best pussy one can get in the World, of which you are sailing around. However, you have the funds to get whatever you want. And your choices aren't too shabby either. You really don't need Harry or any advise, you seem to have been captaining your ship quite well already.
I know that wasn't too constructive more for entertainment yet full of some truths ( or half truths) and I needed to kill time as I still haven't adjusted to CST and still seem to be on Europe's time and setting the clocks back there last week screwed my sleep patterns up worse.
Now, on a more serious note;
As you embark on a journey and as a testament to your character you are doing such knowing that no matter how much you spend that the most important people in the world ( your family) were looked after first which is more than I can say for many other guys who waste their kid's and grandchildren's future money on prostitutes in a greedy way. You on the other hand are of high moral character and every bit deserving of you're trip around the world. I hope your realize all you have ever wanted and dreamed of and spare no expense and make sure to keep posting detailed reports. You worked hard to be where you are at ,earned every penny and I hope you now enjoy the spending part as you have already accomplished in life much more than most men ever will both on a financial and moral level. Happy sailing and make sure to tell the captain to notify of you of any large waves you may sail thru in the event your cock is throat deep in some whore's mouth we wouldn't want Jr. to suffer any damage from teeth if you rise up and drop too far in the water too fast.
Keep in touch, it's been a pleasure communicating with you in posts and in private and I truly hope your trip around the world brings you much happiness and is not the grande finale of your fun rather the start of a never ending journey whose end we have no control over except.
Too spend our $$

If you end up in Germany for any reason which I doubt you will and opportunity presents itself feel free to grab a few towels and stick them in storage on the boat and I will pick them up personally this spring. I only want the towels from the ladies who are responsible and have hygienic practices of washing and cleanup in accordance with the highest of standards that I enjoy
Buen viaje,