There are several ways to handle the call from an SO.
IMO, the only right answer is: DENY knowing anything. Period.
Ring ring......
SO: "Why is your number in my husband's phone?"
Gabby: "I have no idea who your husband is or why this number is in his phone. Good bye"
That simple. No need to go into anything else, IMO. Husband is in deep shit, because he is not smart enough to A) get a prepaid hobby phone and B) Clear his freaking call log and text messages (Which, oh by the way, the SO CAN get your phone records....and she CAN pay for a reverse cell phone number search...) Which is why hobbyists and providers need a hobby phone......
If you recognize the number the SO is calling from, you may want to send the hobbyist a PM and give him a heads up.
The scenario, however, goes both ways..... a few years back a provider's SO went through her phone and called up the hobbyists and asked why they were calling his wife....
Can I say it again? Get a hobby phone.