Originally Posted by diamonddelight
Not complaining on my end just some of the response ive heard from some other providers i was chattin with i was just curious just seeing if others felt like that..good to hear response from others
So how would the “other providers i was chattin with” know what kind of low quality services other providers are providing?...How exactly do they find out what others are putting out in their sessions, they’re not fucking there?
A shit load of Ladies tried to self-inflate the market here, mainly over the last 2 years by the Newbies, and the dumbass Fucktards of the area allowed it by paying these $300 & up rates for someone who had NO reputation to justify that!
If the Fucktards have finally wised up then all I can say is, IT’S ABOUT TIME!!
Personally, I have paid numerous times for $400/hr & up pussy that had a great Rep and it was no better than a $200/hr !Premier Desires! experience or Myra experience.