After some long contemplation and some real life issues (nothing bad just entering some uncharted territory), I've decided to step away from the Hobby indefinitely. Not sure if/ when I'll be back but I'll still drop in from time to time. A very special thanks to the following:
1) Renee: Thank-you for breaking me in to the game and all of the guidance you have given me. Most importantly, thanks for having my back.
2) Livn2Do: Man what can I say... Truly my consigliore. You have helped & guided me through many "challenging" times. You have also made this experience so much more fun! You're a stand up guy. Thank-you.
3) Marcus Aurelius: Simply an awesome Mod with a great sense of humor! Like Renee & Livn, your guidance has also been invaluable. Thank-you.
Pssymnchr2, BigH, Ferca, Piggy, ExtremePapa, Dallas, Michelle, Kay, Charlee, Vegas, Snickers, Reece, Scorpion, CyFan and those I have forgotten at the moment... All of ya are proof that there are some classy, quality & GREAT people in the Hobby.
Trubeau... I owe you an apology.. You were right sir and I was wrong. I wish I would've listened to you months ago..
Wish me luck and I'm out!!!