Reminds me of when I lived in San Francisco back when. My main local drinking bar was owned by Frank, a long-time, good ol' cigar chomping, whisky sipping Italian who took book and laid it off to someplace in Nevada. The neighborhood beat cop even came by and slipped back into the cooler at times to "refresh" his coffee. Pretty simple, you made your bet(s) and after football Sunday, you either lost or collected when you came by on Monday. All of a sudden, a new old guy came by up and down the avenue hitting all the bars making friends and taking book. He was a good talker and paid off and played pretty square with it all for a couple months. Then when the really big game came in - 49er's Super Bowl? - he disappeared with a ton of loot. A lot of dudes wanted to commit murder after that.
Anyway, this is my long way of agreeing with Sam about staying with your known stable players and be careful about paying deposits to unknowns.