Originally Posted by IABart
maybe some providers like seeing guys with fewer references which suggest that either they (a) are more likely to become regulars, or (b) more cautious on who they see? I dunno. I like providers who don't see too many guys in a trip. Less of a commodity exchange and also more likely to keep me safe. I would think most people wouldn't care or would want more, but there could be a line. She's trying to stay safe, too...
I understand but OMG I have 28 ok's in roughly 3yrs. Many of those are when I visit Vegas (7 trips & probably at least half my ok's?). I'm betting she's seen more guys than that JUST THIS YEAR! Any lady that only sees 28 guys in 3yrs better have a good full-time job. Plus her being in Vegas & me in Iowa, not much chance of me being a regular lol. BTW, how do YOU know how many guys they see in a trip, a week, a month, etc? I don't see anything on P411 that says how many ok's they've given? I'm not a big fan of Humaniplex but you can see how many guys a lady has rated on there & when she rated them. Me, I could care less about that. A non-factor. Just my opinions. Sorry if I've hijacked this thread, certainly didn't mean to.