Originally Posted by Zoey Zacquery
Nettles grow wild, everywhere in Tennessee. Do they not grow wild further south?
I've had fun with stinging nettles, for sure. If you ever get your legs eaten alive by mosquitoes and the itching is unbearable, have a friend flog your legs with stinging nettles and it will relieve the itching for hours!
I've never tried it for cocks/balls, but it's great for asses, legs, etc for sure! 
This is great information to know! No. I don't know if they grow wild in Texas or not. Possibly. In Dallas, it can get pretty hot. Not sure where I would even LOOK for this plant.
Did your friend wear gloves when they flogged your legs? Or was this something that you just know? Thanks for the post!!!
Originally Posted by tzv13
They grow wild here too. I like to make tea out of them.
I read, last night, that the tea (or getting it in capsule form) was really good for achiness and lowers blood pressure.
Originally Posted by sinboy
You should check out queensnake.com lots of nettle play
I looked at this site this morning. For as long as I could, which wasn't very long because some of the pictures made me feel a bit lightheaded and faint.
Wow. I didn't get to the nettle part. But I have a feeling that I'll try looking at this site once more.
Originally Posted by King MoMo
Some people are highly allergic to stinging nettle. I got into a patch of nettle when hiking and broke out in a rash from ankle to chest and up an down one arm. Very painful. I don't want nettle anywhere near my cock!
That's horrible! I appreciate your input!!!