I will say this in only this way and no more. I have nothing against the mods and do know they have been MORE than helpful to me. I may be new to this but I am certainly not uneducated and DEFINATLY know more behind the boards info as you all do as well. Saying this and re-mentioning the plethera of personal e-mail response I have had and yet no other women or man saying anything here on the board with a cuple exceptions. . . am I crazy or would that strike you as odd as well?? It brings up moreso the question of "why?" than before. I will say it again. . . this subject is not taboo or confusing . . .
I wondered why I was the only one regularly posting in the local area and me raising this question has given me the answer.
The mods here that I have met and spoken to I love!!! I value this insight. I have had men critique and raise questions I would never have imagined and felt a little sad or threatened at first but when I really listened and took it in I understood and it has changed me for the better. I was inspired to do the same right here. With all the e-mails and questions to me . . . I don't know lol and I spoke up and asked. At first on an emotional level and then on a more logical level.
Thank you for all the advice and insight here! This is such a valued place that I am concidering home

I am sorry if I raised a probable offensive topic that was not my intension. I was just being a "voice" for many and myself to recieve answers. THANK YOU

I get it now