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Old 10-24-2010, 06:14 AM   #1
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Default a question for the guys

Hey guys I was having a conversation with a friend of mine and wanted some input...I know men like selection....but if you had the opportunity to an arrangement with one female and only one female would you do or ask her to be exclusive with you and only you in an agreeable preset arrangement?? I am curious. Have a wicked day..i am going to post this is a few different areas to see what the general opinion is....
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Old 10-24-2010, 09:46 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by Irish Vixen View Post
Hey guys I was having a conversation with a friend of mine and wanted some input...I know men like selection....but if you had the opportunity to an arrangement with one female and only one female would you do or ask her to be exclusive with you and only you in an agreeable preset arrangement?? I am curious. Have a wicked day..i am going to post this is a few different areas to see what the general opinion is....
Does that mean the guy can only see that one lady and no one else? If so I would never agree to that because like you said us guys like variety! If what you're saying is he can see her and anyone of his choosing then I'd be cool with that, but would want her to be available when I wanted to see her. And I would never ask any lady in this business to see only me, that's what SO's are for.
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Old 10-24-2010, 11:29 AM   #3
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good point....
Originally Posted by drsmooth1 View Post
Does that mean the guy can only see that one lady and no one else? If so I would never agree to that because like you said us guys like variety! If what you're saying is he can see her and anyone of his choosing then I'd be cool with that, but would want her to be available when I wanted to see her. And I would never ask any lady in this business to see only me, that's what SO's are for.
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Old 10-24-2010, 02:21 PM   #4
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Well, I may be in left field here but I believe this is quite popular in 2 types of arrangements - "Marriage" and "Sugardaddy". Both involve significant commitment and cost. I'm guessing the "marriage" option is not the topic, LOL, so I'll concentrate on the sugardaddy.

It is alot safer and much more comfortable; a most appealing idea if there's an attraction and chemestry. But basically, she's got to rock your world to even think about it.

If it's a situation where a girl just wants to supplement her income a little each week with an exclusive arrangement, lots of guys will line up for that opportunity. But a situation where you're keeping a quality provider up in an exclusive arrangement should be left to Daddy Warbucks! You can expect to fork out thousands every month to cover housing, auto, groceries, clothing and discretionary spending - all that the woman is giving up by going exclusive.
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Old 10-24-2010, 05:46 PM   #5
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actually my question came because a friend of mine is in the situation and she isn't happy and is like the other woman...and marriage oh no....lol....and the whole SD/SB is absurb..i enjoy what I do and my regulars have been with me for a while and I enjoy what we have and I never worry they also make sure I feel appreciated and in return they feel appreciated and relaxed as well as they more we see each other it gets better....I have the best of both worlds....
Originally Posted by EZRider View Post
Well, I may be in left field here but I believe this is quite popular in 2 types of arrangements - "Marriage" and "Sugardaddy". Both involve significant commitment and cost. I'm guessing the "marriage" option is not the topic, LOL, so I'll concentrate on the sugardaddy.

It is alot safer and much more comfortable; a most appealing idea if there's an attraction and chemestry. But basically, she's got to rock your world to even think about it.

If it's a situation where a girl just wants to supplement her income a little each week with an exclusive arrangement, lots of guys will line up for that opportunity. But a situation where you're keeping a quality provider up in an exclusive arrangement should be left to Daddy Warbucks! You can expect to fork out thousands every month to cover housing, auto, groceries, clothing and discretionary spending - all that the woman is giving up by going exclusive.
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Old 10-24-2010, 06:22 PM   #6
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I tend to see the same providers when I can as its sometimes difficult to find ladies who cater to what I like. Its very hard to replace an ATF and I am in the minority as far as variety is concerned. Id rather opt for a sure consistent lady regularly than to rescreen, or toftt to see if a potential lady Im interested in has tha goods and services I like.

The situation you speak of is vastly different. Seems it wouldnt be cost effective or have allure if she wasnt exclusive to some extent. Some HDH ladies offer this option on their websites at a total upfront100G fee. Details of these arrangement are not really spoke on, but Im sure the dude wouldnt limit his variety in most situations.
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Old 10-24-2010, 06:28 PM   #7
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Kinda like goin steady. You gonna wear my class ring?
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Old 10-24-2010, 07:23 PM   #8
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Thanks for a good laugh!

Pretty Lady:

Your friend is seems to be in one of situations where the guy wants to have his wife and a mistress who he can see when he wants to - seldom fair to the mistress. It's another reason that the hobby is such a good way to keep everyone happy.

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Old 10-25-2010, 05:58 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by JustaGuyinMS View Post
Your friend is seems to be in one of situations where the guy wants to have his wife and a mistress who he can see when he wants to - seldom fair to the mistress. It's another reason that the hobby is such a good way to keep everyone happy.
Depends on the "everyone" involved. Some guys want the "thrill" that comes with exclusivity and "ownership". This guy may be one of them. If that's the case, the hobby might not make him happy (or it might not make him happy if this particular lady is providing to others; he might be "happy" seeing other providers, or he might not ).

One size rarely fits all, particularly when it comes to sex.


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Old 11-23-2010, 06:03 PM   #10
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ill take quality over quantity any day...an exclusive relationship between the two of them could work if both are reADY..ie she retires and he does to...i have no problem letting her continue to work if i was in that arrangement but could it work? not likely since she wouldnt be around all the time and when she was she needs a little time off . or maybe not..being exclusive and providing all her needs .....may as well live together and see if romance is truly there....your question poses a few interesting thoughts but if it was the point of exclusive then make it exclusive...who knows pretty woman movie may be the real fairy tail come true..im sure it has for some..i personally wouldnt ask for her to retire..she'd have to want to do that....if it just the money it probably wont last...but if true feeling for each other are there ....after meeting what i consider some wonderful women thru seeing providers/escorts...i would most definitely consider exclusive if and when she was ready to do the same and give LOVE A CHANCE... but then again there has to be more than just money as the motivating factor...its all in the heart and what we both want for the future...honesty and being able to deal with the truth....we all say we want that or wanted that but is it really out there?
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Old 11-29-2010, 07:46 PM   #11
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awawsweet but i already have two rings....wicked grin
Originally Posted by Biggreentractor View Post
Kinda like goin steady. You gonna wear my class ring?
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Old 11-30-2010, 12:23 PM   #12
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I have been trying to do that for over a year. It has been a frustrating experience.
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Old 01-04-2011, 10:50 PM   #13
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I'm kinda in that very situation now. I happened across this young 20+ year old off CL, trying to work her butt off to keep her Apartment. A real non-pro dipping her head into these waters just to make extra cash.
The sweet thing had no clue as what to charge, but very much willing. Well we hook up and I try to help her by spreading the word. A few jerks got the time of their lives and took it as a freebe. Like I said a real non-pro. As for me, no time limit, dirt cheap and what I would call a true GFE. GFing is all she knows.
I pretty much see her exclusive now and always muster up way more than she expects. Its not really an arrangement as your friend. She is out of this hobby, but will see me once a week. I know she is not seeing anyother gents, because us nasty buggars talk. If she gets a BF, great. She may end it. We have this sort of F' buddy thing going on with the only differance is I pay.

What your friend is going through is one step from breaking up a family and moving in as the trophy wife. Thats what it sounds like to me. The arrangement will be fine for months or years, but soon, if its an exclusive arrangement the SO will be getting all the prime time holidays and vacations and your friend will be getting all the second fiddle time, " The other Woman sindrome". I've seen it so many times with my Daddy War buck buddies. A wife going through the trauma of 3 kids and competing with a flat tummy hotty that still very much feels like a slut is too much to compete with. Probably the foundation of marriage as a legal thing right there.
The guy needs his head examined. Seems like there is way too much passion between the two to be playing in these waters.
She breaks up and he is crying outside her window willing do what ever to have her back. Hope the neighbors don't see him. The camera may pop out.
He breaks up with her and she has time invested. Could get ugly. Play the field and try and keep things as F' Buddies. FWB with some cash thrown in.
Now if they are both single, Hell they just meet in an odd circumstance. If they became one and lived happily ever after. The, "How'd yall meet" questions would be delicious to hear an answer. May stop all conversation at a dinner party.
I got a guy here that fell ga ga over a stripper that ain't all that hot. He built his wife a new 2 story in Mountain Brook just so she would go away. Kids and all. Just takes balls and a boat load of cash. Funny I just saw them at a progressive party over the holidays. One fine tight behind though. I was definitly looking.
Mess'n around with providers has no room for love. Its a fantasy. Very much like wasting cash in a strip joint. Cross that line and trouble is bound to happen. Sounds like these two have sort of already crossed a few of those lines.
Thats my 2 screwdriver thoughs.
I love questions from providers. There was a chick out of Montgomery that was writting a book. We swapped a few e-mails and she wanted to hook up and swap picking my brain for some fun times. Never panned out. I like seeing the real side every once in a while.
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Old 01-05-2011, 03:53 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Bigfatrat View Post
I pretty much see her exclusive now and always muster up way more than she expects. Its not really an arrangement as your friend. She is out of this hobby, but will see me once a week. I know she is not seeing anyother gents, because us nasty buggars talk. If she gets a BF, great. She may end it. We have this sort of F' buddy thing going on with the only differance is I pay.
I think the technical term for this is "sugardaddy". And that's not at all a bad thing, you lucky bastard.


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Old 01-05-2011, 08:25 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by bluffcityguy View Post
I think the technical term for this is "sugardaddy". And that's not at all a bad thing, you lucky bastard.


Before doing this, I tried to be a Sugardaddy to a 24-year-old. The first month was great until I started getting 3 -4 calls and 8-10 texts a day saying she needed some money for this or that. I decided to try this and quickly realized how much better an idea it was to see "professional" escorts. You get to have a "date" and see the best side of a lady for 1-2 hours, then go home with no "I love you" calls the next day. I was hooked, changed my cell phone number and never looked back.
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