Originally Posted by oldbutstillgoing
This is a yes?
obsg... The only options are "yes" and "no." She was a "no" for me. AND, I said, "If -- UNLIKE MYSELF -- you want to drop buckets of cash in her lap..."
I don't think anyone would misinterpret the information my Report offers. She's definitely a professional manipulator. AND, she's all the positive adjectives I mentioned, including beautiful. In this way, she's much like a majority of attractive dancers. IF a guy wants a taste of that, I inform with this report that it's available for a steep price. I chose not to pay such a price, nor continue the particular game.
EVERY "Yes" on these reports is necessarily a qualified one, because not everyone seeks the same type person nor same encounter...
She absolutely, positively played me, as you correctly observed. Most encounters in SC-land are two-way playing of similar sorts. I recognized this particular play as one that exceeded my bounds of what I would accept, but I don't assume everyone would make the same decision I made.