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Old 03-21-2012, 08:36 PM   #1
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Default "Stand Your Ground" - aka "Shoot More Black Kids"

Well, I've given it two days and I haven't seen any of you good ol' boy NRA apologists attempt to spin the Florida Neighborhood Watch MOW-RON's chasing down and murdering a black youth in a gated community at which the victim was a guest.

OK, let 'er rip, bozos.....

Oh, I know. I'm being insensitive to the needs, wants and moral superiority of the right. Well, hmmmmm - guess all of these code of the west comic book pieces of legislation actually have effects, well, excuuuuuuuuuse me.
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Old 03-21-2012, 09:43 PM   #2
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There is nothing to spin here. The shooter was a jackass at best, and a murdering, racist thug at worst. Anyone who spins that the young man was at fault is a bigger idiot than I usually expect on here.

However, the NRA had nothing to do with this. I'm sure most, if not all, NRA members would agree with me.
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Old 03-21-2012, 09:54 PM   #3
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you have to for give him, his degree is from staple clip U
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Old 03-21-2012, 10:03 PM   #4
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Fuck the Jewish/Mexican racist. Let him rot in prision....
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Old 03-22-2012, 12:28 AM   #5
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I agree, nothing to say. This bill was to protect honest Americans attacked in their home and on their property by criminals if they felt they had to use deadly force. This bill prevented overzealous prosecutions and law suits from injured criminals. Do you have a problem with that? This law is in 27 different states but it is not always called the "stand your ground" law. Sometimes it has been called "your home is your castle" law. Too many states required a person to have to leave their house or to give up a defense unless they, not their family, they were under a threat of death but only if there was no other way out. Zimmerman from what we know was a wanna be. He appointed himself a "watch captain" and walked around armed. Some reports say that he had no license to carry concealed but that hasn't been sorted out yet. If all the accounts are true then he should be charged with at least manslaughter.

So no law protects him for what he did, no law was intended to protect him, Zimmerman disregarded the advise of the 911 operator, and the kid was unarmed. So what do you want?
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Old 03-22-2012, 05:02 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by cptjohnstone View Post
you have to for give him, his degree is from staple clip U
I "for get".

Where is your degree from?
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Old 03-22-2012, 05:54 AM   #7
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Omg we all agree it was horrible.

I'm just wondering but, how could anyone think differently? I will say though the insult here lay in the very first post. Randy just assumed. (You do see that you started this one right?) A horrible assumption at that. Are you getting all your meds honey?
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Old 03-22-2012, 06:04 AM   #8
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Well, the shooter isn't in jail yet and the local Keystone Kops, all good ol' "right thinking" boyz, seem to be taking every word out of his mouth as gospel. That is, of course, until the nasty, out of touch, *gasp* "National Media" eventually got the information out. It's not like this happened last week, the shooting was February 26, 2012.

You see, TPers and other righties, NOT ONE of you popped up ANYWHERE to point out the the fact that the shooter was "a jackass at best, and a murdering, rascist thug at worst" until prodded to do so. Yet, there are hundreds of hilarious, fall-on-the-floor-while-spazzing out threads in this forum about things that either aren't true or never happened - and, don't make a ratz-azz about anything. Looks to me that the area under the rug where you would have this and any other event swept which doesn't polish your fabricated and irrational view of your wannabe right wang utopia is becoming rather lumpy.

Oh, Mr. Community Kollege, I guess the shooter's "castle" includes the grounds of his empire that are owned by others. Or, maybe it was a simple case that the ground upon which he was standing and protecting just kept moving. For those of you who would have everyone believe that the aforementioned piece of code of the west, comic book legislation was even necessary, it has always been the law that one could protect the actual "castle" by whatever means necessary. One just had to be aware of the inconvenient fact that there was an actual threat. These and other suchlike laws are nothing but "feel good," NRA fed, jokes that fix something that wasn't broken in order to further the hard right culture war agenda of the out of control Cock Bros financed attack on real, out from in front of the computer freeedom.

Fact is, this asshole (as well as a bunch of others who, thankfully have a little sense left) allow themselves to be whipped into a frenzy by non-stop conservative talkers to take the law into their own hands to rid their little utopias of "you people." Well Glenna, out of control paranoia should require high levels of medication. When are yours going to kick in?
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Old 03-22-2012, 06:34 AM   #9
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I first heard this story yesterday as I drove home from work, as I'm sure most of us did. If you knew about this in feb why didn't you post? What's that? You didn't know till yesterday either?

This was on my 2 post short list of things to start. If you want kudos for Beating everyone to the post, you got them. But why do you have to be so antagonistic with it? No fruit loop is going to prod any of us into saying something we don't believe randy.
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Old 03-22-2012, 07:15 AM   #10
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People die every day...this is just one more...oh well...
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Old 03-22-2012, 07:30 AM   #11
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Randy perhaps you didnt see it because you didnt read the thread already started on the topic.
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Old 03-22-2012, 07:31 AM   #12
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Now it's talk radio at fault. No, Randy, it was a crazy person with a gun. And I posted against this before you started this thread. Get over yourself.
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Old 03-22-2012, 07:38 AM   #13
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Lemme find the link to the story about the group of black kids that set a 13 year old white kid on fire shouting "that's what you get white boy." didn't know about that either randy? Go figure.

It's important to point out that the "out of left field nowhere" rant he posted is a very very good example of how progressives think. It's retarded at best and dangerous at worst. Y'all better pull my reins if I start sounding like that.

PS if it were a white guy that did this awful thing, I can promise you we'd be hearing about it way sooner.
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Old 03-22-2012, 07:44 AM   #14
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As Grifter said, there is a thread on this already. The general consensus is if this Man shot the young Black Man for no other reason than he was walking down the street, then he is a murdering thug.

I'm not real sure what the demographics are concerning Hispanic on Black hate crime, but if that is a factor in this case, it should be taken into consideration.
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Old 03-22-2012, 08:41 AM   #15
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RandyCandy, the word is "college" with a "c". What country are you from? Also, it is not the law of the land like you said. I'll just say you were wrong and misinformed rather than lying. When I lived in Connecticutt I was told by the policemen investigating my break in that as a law abiding citizen I was obligated to abandon my abode if an intruder came in while I was there. They have a "no way to retreat law" in place. Some kicks in your back door and I can leave by my front door or a window then I have to. If the intruder tells me that he is not going to harm me with some demonstration of sincerity then I can't use any force against him. So I ask the policeman if a seven foot tall guy, built like a gorilla breaks into my house and says he is only there for the TV if I stand in the corner quietly, I have to let him? Yes, is what I was told. This is in a state where I had a permit to carry a concealed weapon? So get informed about is going on in the world.
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