Originally Posted by ZantannaParella
STDs or Coronavirus?? Lol.
Shutting down the rodeo, the NBA and gawd knows what else, I (can’t keep up with it all) is getting Re-fuckin-diculus!!!! Wash your hands and please for the love of god and all things holy, allow yourself and offspring to be exposed to germs so you can build up an immune system!! I never get sick and neither do my kiddos. I ate dirt and picked up food when dropped (60 second rule) and so did my littles when we were Youngsters. This pussified snowflake hand sanitizer world we live in is enough to make me sick!!
Be safe y’all. Drink a corona don’t get corona!! ;-)
OMG you rock my socks off... couldn't agree more. "pussified snowflake" is the most accurate and best words used in this whole damn post!
People run for the damn hills, start emptying their bank accounts because they all think their going to die~~~~
WTF people, we are all going to die one die, would you rather die alone in your house or the hills or go out getting the last taste touch and smell of Pussy when you go???
Good lawt!!!