Thanks Big C, it's good to be seen.

With the collapse of ASPD I've been using all these shiny new tools that EC has passed around to the ladies as well as a few others that I'm still trying to gauge their level of usefulness (i.e.-Yahoo Groups). I have to say that while it was sad to see the site I had used for years close down, I am very impressed with how the people at EC have stepped up to not only take in the slack but improve on what we had. Imagine my excitement when I realized that I could once again log into chat!!
My only concern aside from learning to navigate is that I've lost all the reviews that label me not only as a legitimate provider but as a lady who can rock your world.

I guess I just have to hope that I've built up enough name recognition and brand loyalty that the shift of homes won't do any damage.
Aside from all that... Yes! Let's hear it for nudity... As a celebration I will be posting images from my newest photo shoot and running a few specials here and there. Stay tuned for the details.