Technically Challenged
Correct Venue or wrong place all togather... I don't GAD. I'm a little tired of being the idiot of the villiage sans ALL my attempts to learn things from those who actually know. . . . I still don't.
So.. like members of Bills 'team', everyone has a place of comfort to ask questions and feel safe and sound ( reguardless of whether they are or not ) .. its a question of self nurturing. AA ( not necesssarily american airlines and NOT RACIAL either, btw ), is a tad controversial to me.. so I'll move on to my question. Just wanted to quantify why I'm asking this here.
Its the attempt to display the abilty of forsight. I don't want to weed through insults to find answers to issues that trip me up. capiche ?
Can anyone tell me what a CATALYST CONTROL CENTER is ? And further more.. does Window's 7 have a repetitive glitch within it ?
I'm just asking.. and if you could give me a straight talk answer to my DIRECT QUESTIONS.. I might begin making some sence here.. and elsewhere as well.
OF COURSE , It takes not a rocket scientest to assess that when you make sence, and you are genuine, and are sincere.. and your VENUE continues to cast you out as if you were a floating bouy without a worm while they giggle and bank run...
well... figure that out and please try to aviod speaking for the machine, and answer from your own knowledge if your human KIND. Many will appreciate a change of TONE, I think.
in wrap up..
They say " thank you in advance " is out of fashion..
but I still have the audacity of hope.
Idiot remains to pray for answers of fact.