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Old 03-10-2023, 09:59 AM   #1
dilbert firestorm
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Default Why Judges Won’t Rule There Was Voter Disenfranchisement When it Happens to Republicans


Why Judges Won’t Rule There Was Voter Disenfranchisement When it Happens to Republicans

Rachel Alexander
Rachel Alexander | Mar 06, 2023

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Townhall.com.

As Arizona experiences a repeat of the 2020 election, where MAGA candidates allegedly lost to poor Democratic candidates like Katie Hobbs who refused to debate, some are turning on the MAGA candidates and blaming them instead of election fraud. The candidates’ lawsuits are predictably going nowhere, as judges throw them out for supposed “lack of evidence” or narrow technical reasons such as “lack of standing.”

The judges pretend that witness testimony and affidavits don’t constitute evidence, but every first year law school student learns that of the 11 sections of the traditional Rules of Evidence in law, an entire section, section 6, is devoted to witness testimony. Witness testimony throughout history has been the smoking gun in many cases; defendants have gone to the death penalty based on witness testimony alone.

Jenna Ellis, former attorney for Donald Trump, tweeted on Friday about Kari Lake’s election contest lawsuits, “She hasn’t and won’t win any of her lawsuits. It’s just fundraising at this point (ie grifting). I was one of the first that endorsed her and supported her as a candidate, but this will set back the conservative movement for election integrity.”

Lake’s appeal of her alleged loss to Hobbs in Arizona’s gubernatorial race is currently at the Arizona Supreme Court. While the judges were all appointed by Republican governors, no one is confident they will do the right thing. Arizona’s recent Republican governors had too many ties to the establishment, and so many of the judges they appointed have proven to be RINOs if not full-on Democrats.

Lake’s appeal brief is one of the best in all of the election lawsuits, it should be a slam dunk especially considering there is precedent; the Arizona Supreme Court once overturned a gubernatorial election where fraud was alleged and replaced the Democrat who had been in office for months with the Republican. Judges routinely overturn elections around the country where there was voter disenfranchisement, and don’t require the excessively high standards of proof we’re seeing when Republicans lost or were disenfranchised. For example, in 2019, a judge ordered a new election for a Georgia House seat based on merely finding that four voters were ineligible.

But judges cannot rule in favor of election integrity when it helps Republicans because they are terrified of what the left will do to them and their careers. The type of person who becomes a judge is someone who isn’t looking for the spotlight; most judges go their entire careers with very few headlines about them. If you look their names up on the internet, you can rarely find anything about them. They have relatively quiet, peaceful lives outside the public eye, and they live well with generous salaries. Arizona Supreme Court justices make $159,685. U.S. Supreme Court justices make $268,300 ($280,500 for Chief Justice John Roberts).

Many judges got their positions due to the establishment, and in order to keep those positions, they are beholden to the establishment. While the U.S. Supreme Court justices are mostly immune from this, there are other reasons that deter them. If they rule for Republicans on voter disenfranchisement, that is all they will be known for the rest of their lives; “election deniers” and “conspiracy theorists.” Their speaking engagements and book deals will dry up. A search for their names on the internet — thanks to left-wing Google and big tech’s biases — will turn up nothing but hateful MSM articles about them.

Judges have spent years carefully crafting reputations for themselves as erudite scholars. They don’t want to be associated with the caricatures the MSM has made of Trump supporters — low-educated buffoons. Anywhere they go, anyone they meet, will all have a preformed opinion about them, and with the exception of patriots, the reactions will be negative and follow them around the rest of their lives.

Former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman is now in that position after being employed by Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos to investigate the results of the 2020 presidential election in Wisconsin. As a result of the backlash from the left, Vos ended up firing him and Gableman now has three ethics complaints against him.

The left will try to cancel, dox and harass them. We saw how the left protested at Supreme Court justices’ homes after their opinion was leaked reversing Roe v. Wade. Progressives posted maps online with their home addresses. Harvard Law School instructor Alejandra Caraballo tweeted that the justices should be harassed in public, citing Sen. Ted Cruz being harassed at a restaurant as an example of how it should be done. The left will urge businesses to cancel the justices, making it difficult for them to merely get by.

Judges have families to support; they’re often the sole breadwinner, married with children.

While it’s difficult to remove some judges, removing others is far easier. In Arizona, most Superior Court judges are appointed by the governor, then they run for election to retain their seats. Since they never had a bruising initial race, no one knows anything about them and their retention races are usually a shoe-in. Same with the Arizona Supreme Court and Arizona Court of Appeals justices.

However, that may be changing, as three superior court judges lost their retention races last fall, unprecedented in Maricopa County. This shows that Arizona Supreme Court justices are quite vulnerable if the left launches a campaign to defeat them for being election deniers.

One U.S. Supreme Court justice has been impeached, but the Senate acquitted him. That was Associate Justice Samuel Chase in 1804, who President Thomas Jefferson and his Republican allies in Congress believed acted in a partisan manner during several trials. While the GOP currently controls the House, that could change and Democrats love to dredge up prior events to go after Republicans.

Ellis realizes all this and sadly, may become a target herself. The Orwellian 65 Project filed an ethics complaint against her, and the Colorado Attorney Regulation Counsel is considering whether to go forward.
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Old 03-10-2023, 10:04 AM   #2
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The only fix will be kinetic. It's jut a matter of when now...
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Old 03-10-2023, 03:45 PM   #3
Salty Again
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... Now you can understand WHY all those
"Trump election lawsuits" were so-quickly wicked away.

The Judges were afraid to do the proper thing.
Which was to at least look at the evidence.

But, instead - we got this ...

... Surely can make no mistake - those threats
against the Supreme Court Judges and NO ACTION
taken by Garland to stop it... Protests at their
homes - in strict violation of the law - were surely
done "by design" as a clear and rather direct WARNING
to any-other Judges who might want to rule in-favour
of Republicans.

The Protest Mob will come for you and your family.

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Old 03-10-2023, 04:06 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Salty Again View Post
... Now you can understand WHY all those
"Trump election lawsuits" were so-quickly wicked away.

The Judges were afraid to do the proper thing.
Which was to at least look at the evidence.

But, instead - we got this ...

... Surely can make no mistake - those threats
against the Supreme Court Judges and NO ACTION
taken by Garland to stop it... Protests at their
homes - in strict violation of the law - were surely
done "by design" as a clear and rather direct WARNING
to any-other Judges who might want to rule in-favour
of Republicans.

The Protest Mob will come for you and your family.

#### Salty
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Old 03-10-2023, 04:39 PM   #5
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Of course the judges were in on the "fixes". The whole well established and well educated country is in on the "fixes" along with trains planes and automobiles

The gop is so clueless and fucked up that they can't prove anything. Fun stuff watching the gop parties implode And watching and making fun of their clueless supporters

love your kool-aid
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Old 03-10-2023, 05:16 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm View Post
Lake’s appeal of her alleged loss to Hobbs in Arizona’s gubernatorial race is currently at the Arizona Supreme Court. While the judges were all appointed by Republican governors, no one is confident they will do the right thing.
Yeah, let's see how that turns out. The Republican judges will do the right thing and reject her appeal.

If the Republican Party wants to win in purple states, it has to stop running Republicans like Lake who claim Trump won in 2020 and who consider abortion to be the "ultimate sin."

Even with those handicaps, Lake came close to wining in Arizona, which given the inclinations of Arizonans should be a red state. If Republicans had the good sense to run candidates like Jeff Flake and Doug Ducey in the general election, Arizona would have two Republican senators and a Republican governor.
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Old 03-10-2023, 05:28 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Salty Again View Post
... Now you can understand WHY all those
"Trump election lawsuits" were so-quickly wicked away.

The Judges were afraid to do the proper thing.
Which was to at least look at the evidence.

But, instead - we got this ...

... Surely can make no mistake - those threats
against the Supreme Court Judges and NO ACTION
taken by Garland to stop it... Protests at their
homes - in strict violation of the law - were surely
done "by design" as a clear and rather direct WARNING
to any-other Judges who might want to rule in-favour
of Republicans.

The Protest Mob will come for you and your family.

#### Salty
For goodness sake Salty, he lost by 4.5 percentage points and 74 electoral votes. The judges rejected the cases because there was no evidence of a fraud widespread enough to have changed the result in a single state.

How would you cover something like that up? It would take thousands of people working together and all of them would have to keep their mouths shut. Not to mention they'd have to leave no trace. If there were mountains of evidence out there, police would have come across it. Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania and other states have lots of people in law enforcement who are Trump supporters. I'd dare say the majority were, prior to 2020. And they haven't turned up squat.
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Old 03-10-2023, 09:23 PM   #8
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... I don't wanna be accused of hijacking the thread,
so I'll answer tomorrow, mate.

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Old 03-10-2023, 10:22 PM   #9
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...only 38 more minutes.
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Old 03-10-2023, 11:56 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Salty Again View Post
... I don't wanna be accused of hijacking the thread,
so I'll answer tomorrow, mate.

#### Salty
Go ahead....this thread sucks. Townhall threads are always crappy
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Old 03-11-2023, 12:52 AM   #11
Lucas McCain
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Conspiracy theory folks are funny. Do you people ever consider the fact that a person actually lost an election because more people who voted preferred the other person because they think the alternative sucks?

Dumb bitch hitched her wagon to the wrong horse. Most people are sick of Trump and his bullshit. If she is too ignorant to realize that that's on her. She should have hired a competent strategic campaign team that actually had enough sense to guide her stupid ass better.

Most of us, (especially probably the judges getting their time wasted in their courts) but Trump simpleton followers are sick of hearing about this voter fraud bullshit narrative that the orange fat man falsely created.
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Old 03-12-2023, 04:42 AM   #12
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Default Expectations mis-match much??

Originally Posted by Salty Again View Post
...The Protest Mob will come for you and your family...
I figured they would be coming to receive some flying lead. Go figure
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Old 03-12-2023, 05:07 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
Conspiracy theory folks are funny...
For everyone elses edification, i.e. people capable of learning, a decent source for down to the individual level voting fraud is The Heritage Foundation --> here In the broader sense, almost 30 States changed their voting laws (many illegally) in 2020.
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Old 03-12-2023, 01:55 PM   #14
Salty Again
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Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do View Post
For everyone elses edification, i.e. people capable of learning, a decent source for down to the individual level voting fraud is The Heritage Foundation --> here In the broader sense, almost 30 States changed their voting laws (many illegally) in 2020.
Ya know, mate.

Deep down... the liberal lads all know what
the truth is... Thet saw it happen...
Saw the censure of the Hunter laptop "Disinformation!"

They see the lies everyday - put out by the
main stream media... And the DC Establishment.

They saw the vote counting STOP! on election night
in 4 or 5 states ALMOST ALL AT ONCE - so extra boxes
and boxes and boxes of "ballots" could be counted
- for days after the election... weeks, actually.

Just enough ballots to surely put Biden over the top
to win the electour college.

And not one Judge wanted to hear any evidence
to the contrary. ... They'd lose their jobs.

.... The Truth Matters.

#### Salty
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