Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
I stumbled onto her website a few days earlier wonderful video wonderful site overall. The only thing is that i was startled when the video started she might need a warning on her front page.
Do you know your vegas dates yet?
Thank you Skylar!
I try to keep the videos very sexy and seductive, less seems to be more and I get very positive feedback from the gents! And as you pointed out, a 18+ warning on the front page might be a good idea and I will suggest that to the ladies
Alia Li may not have a warning page, but I know that Amazing Amiee has a front page disclaimer and the video is several pages down in the menu.
I plan to fly to Seattle Jan 5th or so and then fly to Vegas the last 10 days or so of January. Exact Vegas dates are still in the works but I can PM you when I nail it down.
My stylist is currently looking for a nice residential shooting location for Las Vegas. Studios are OK, but I prefer having a big house with plenty of posing opportunities and great furniture and maybe a pool
Just saw your SCTV, very well done

Cruze Control is my favorite and very sexy and sensual indeed.
Thank you again for the kind words,