안마 if that's all the hangul you know it's enough. Or a barber shop pole. Worst case scenario is you get turned away. If you don't get turned away you'll get a 20,000 or 30,000 won mark-up.
Ever checkout KoreanCupid? Chat with some Suwon girls. I don't know how it is in 2012 but back in 2009/2010 it wasn't hard to get a date with a girl (not necessarily Korean, lots of southeast Asian chicks cruise the site), nice dinner, some bar hopping, and then an over-nighter in a cheap Korean hotel.
Here's a site with intel dated 2003.
Part of the fun in Korea is the thrill of the hunt. Just go. Even the worst barber shop experiences I had...I was only down 80,000 won, and they weren't bad. I only had one bad experience in Daegu. Anmas are pricier, harder to get into, but definitely worth the experience.
If you get to know any Korean dudes and go out drinking with them after some back slapping and what not just say anma and they'll either bring you somewhere or go in with you.
I liked going to Sports Massage places once in a while as a change of pace. They are 20,000 won or so cheaper than barber shops, shorter experience and no table shower, definitely no full service, but the girls are all college age, which you won't find at barber shops. YMWV at these places which is also part of the fun. L1 finish but GFE type L1. YMWV.