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Old 05-13-2009, 11:12 AM   #1
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Default Must Read for providers and hobbyist both to read

I replied to a discussion on another board about NCNS and what is the proper way of making it right with the Hobbist. Honestly, I think the drama over such situations borders on juvenile comments. I would appreciate all comments on my statement below, maybe I am the nutty one. I welcome comments from providers and hobbyists.

You get more love with honey than you do with bull Shitttt. If you immediately come on here and start ripping her about a NCNS, you are going to piss her off without even knowing if she had a legitimate excuse. If you contact her, hear her side of the problem, it may be real, it maybe bullshit, you have to make a decision if you believe her or not.

If you do this, about 90% time you will have a friend. I know I am a sucker in more ways than one. I feel just make amends. If you are satisfied she feels sorry, let her tell you go on and see her and have a great time. If you make demands for longer time for normal prices or you want a discount and request it and you act like a dick, you have now given her a reason to dislike you and no longer feels bad about it. Have any of you screwed up at work? If the boss climbs you butt, you no longer feel bad about your mistake, and you can only concentrate on your dislike for him.

If you truly call the lady, email the lady, PM the lady, Text message the lady and no response, then she leaves you no alternative. If your history is coming on here and bad mouthing someone for a honest mistake, you will have more trouble in the future. Try to handle it like an adult and hope she will also. If that doesn't work, I would make a short post with your attempts to contact the lady, leave it go and go on, there a lot of wonderful hot providers here to choose from that are totally hot and dependable.

This maybe over simplified, but if you are wanting revenge because you ego is hurt forget, it isnt going to happen, and you are making a full out of yourself in trying to be vindictive. You can make the decision to be in a win, win or lose, lose situation, make up your mind where you want to be. Public Relations 101

If anyone has read this to the bottom, please state your feelings your input would be appreciated by everyone and may stop some drama, never eliminate it, just reduce it.
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Old 05-13-2009, 01:19 PM   #2
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Yes it sucks! But it is a two way street. I have called a provider in the past and had something come up last minute. I always call and, at the very least, leave a message with the girl if she doesn't answer. This is all about relationships and I might not be able to see her when I scheduled but that does not mean that I never want to see her. Calling her and letting her know that I can't make it is the only decent thing to do. I wish more providers would take this approach. Some do. RHJ for instance, canceled with me the morning of via email because she felt ill. No harm no foul. I was disappointed because I wanted to see her but I understand. Shit happens.
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Old 05-13-2009, 01:56 PM   #3
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24 hour rule, especially in the case of NCNS. When something bothers you, write out your response and wait 24 hours to read it again before you send it or post it.

In the instances where I've been on the short end of a NCNS I wait at least 24 hours to see what excuse or reason arose to cause the incident. In cases where I've been forced to change plans due to unforseen circumstances I give as much notice as possible and then give full description afterward to explain the situation.
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