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Old 01-11-2010, 12:13 PM   #1
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Default What did you do when you were new?

I posted this in the Dallas board without much response.

I don't have reviews, so I can't get preferred 411 or into any of the other screening sights.

What is a good way to screen people if you are new?

I'm also afraid to put pictures online incase someone I know sees them.

Have any of you been busted by friends/relatives when your face is blurred?

Is there a website that is strictly for providers? If there is one, do you have to be well known?

This is very hard and dangerous for a female newbie, especially since it seems that you are excluded from everything until you've been reviewed, which is understandable, but still hard for the new person, and I'm not sure that I want a whole lot of "reviews" anyway.

I've been reading alot, and trying to get a good understanding of things before I make a stupid mistake, but the beginning and being new is pretty scary.

Also if any ladies are reading this, how long does this fear of the unknown last?

Also, I know I need a better website/pictures and so on, I'll be doing that as soon as I can.
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Old 01-11-2010, 01:10 PM   #2
Exotic Lily
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I've found it best to "crop" your photos rather than to blur them simply because it's worked for me very well. As long as they are cropped, you can't make out your basic features. Also, don't send anyone your photo if they refuse to see you unless they know what you look like, it's not worth it and they won't treat you well anyway.

You might want to start advertising on Eros www.eros-usa.com in you city to establish your basic clientele.

Screening gentlemen is very touchy and I suggest getting a reference from a provider they've seen before. I don't seen anyone unless I have a reference from a provider with a website. Also, I only see those who send me an advanced deposit.

In my opinion reviews aren't all that important and they put too many strains on an escort. I don't allow public reviews because I don't want to attract the type of men who rely on them in order to see you. I have my own review database within my site in my "gentlemen's corner" where they can upload them if they wish. I suggest that you have a review section on your site also, it might help since you're new.

I have been in this industry since 1999 and I still have fear of the unknown... it never goes away.

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Old 01-11-2010, 01:13 PM   #3
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Have you considered working for a reputable agency in your town & "learn the ropes" that way? A good one will properly handle the screening for you and after a few months you should have some reviews.
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Old 01-11-2010, 05:04 PM   #4
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Default Sorry atl, everyone knows I can't write worth a damn

Actually myself and atl are the screeners of choice. I will be the one doing the actual hokey pokey with you and encrypting your table manners to memory . Since alt is the better wordsmith, I will convey how our meeting went and he will transcribe them to poetic prose in way of review.

Plus, I tip butter.... whoops!, that's better than atl. See I am not a good writer.

ps There are a few other gents that offer this service and I'm not saying that it is a fraud but it would be the difference between a vacation home overlooking the lake and a trailer in a park! I won't name names only initials pj, dg, rk and 1HM. Be careful, very very careful.

Originally Posted by Suzel View Post

Also, I know I need a better website/pictures and so on, I'll be doing that as soon as I can.
pps I love your web-site!

Under rates you have "varies'' , I love that!

Plus less is more....just ask Ansley. She is a hot hot hottie from Atlanta.
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Old 01-11-2010, 05:58 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Actually myself and atl are the screeners of choice. I will be the one doing the actual hokey pokey with you and encrypting your table manners to memory . Since alt is the better wordsmith, I will convey how our meeting went and he will transcribe them to poetic prose in way of review.

Plus, I tip butter.... whoops!, that's better than atl. See I am not a good writer.

ps There are a few other gents that offer this service and I'm not saying that it is a fraud but it would be the difference between a vacation home overlooking the lake and a trailer in a park! I won't name names only initials pj, dg, rk and 1HM. Be careful, very very careful.

pps I love your web-site!

Under rates you have "varies'' , I love that!

Plus less is more....just ask Ansley. She is a hot hot hottie from Atlanta.
Well thanks for the shout out WTF. I guess Suzel is going to have to settle for the trailer in the park with you instead of the Villa overlooking the lake. I am going to be out of commission for a little while so I guess you better take up the slack.
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Old 01-11-2010, 06:05 PM   #6
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I'm not sure if I've been insulted (likely), complimented (doubtful), or WTF is just rambling about WTF only knows
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Old 01-11-2010, 06:11 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by atlcomedy View Post
WTF is just rambling about WTF only knows
How unusual!
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Old 01-11-2010, 06:27 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by atlcomedy View Post
I'm not sure if I've been insulted (likely), complimented (doubtful), or WTF is just rambling about WTF only knows
That reminds me, has anyone seen irene?
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Old 01-12-2010, 12:22 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Nicolette Bordeauxva View Post
That reminds me, has anyone seen irene?
She change hername, slightly...

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oc-P8oDuS0Q&feature=related"]YouTube- dexys midnight runners come on eileen[/ame]

ps I complimented all you a bit, I just thouight I was best suited to review Suzel.
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Old 01-12-2010, 12:33 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by atlcomedy View Post
I'm not sure if I've been insulted (likely), complimented (doubtful), or WTF is just rambling about WTF only knows
It was about a great business plan, we pool our money. I actually make the date with the newer ladies, You transcribe the erotic entanglement to cyber history.

A virtual win win win for all three parties,
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Old 01-12-2010, 06:30 AM   #11
Marcus Aurelius
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
It was about a great business plan, we pool our money. I actually make the date with the newer ladies, You transcribe the erotic entanglement to cyber history.

A virtual win win win for all three parties,
I guess I was snubbed.
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Old 01-12-2010, 06:47 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Exotic Lily View Post
Also, I only see those who send me an advanced deposit.
Worst. Advice. Ever. 99% of hobbyists run the other way or laugh our asses off when we read the words, "pay in advance" or "deposit". Its usually a scam. If it works for Lily, more power to her, but if I were you I'd think very hard about that.

My suggestions: Get yourself provider status here. Go to the welcome wagon and work with the mods for your area. They are usually very good about helping out new members and providers. You may consider offering a special for hobbyists who write a review of you. Some hobbyists will be skeptical about it, but enough will take you up on it that you should have a handful of reviews before too long. Something along the lines of, "Write a review of our session and get 25 off your next one" or whatever. Use your imagination.

For screening, I trust P411 more than anything. Its simple and straight-forward. Provider references can be sketchy. Sometimes they don't remember. Sometimes they say they've seen a guy without checking. Sometimes they disappear or go on vacation for months at a time or retire or don't pay their phone bill, etc. etc. etc. In general, we don't like giving out our work information and what good does that do you anyway? It may verify that the hobbyist isn't working DIRECTLY for LE, but it tells you nothing about him as a client -- how he treats providers, is he clean, etc. You may also consider asking for them to provide links to their reviews. I've seen dozens of different screening methods and none of them seem fail-safe to me, everything from the provider asking me to get naked in front of them to showing 2 forms of ID to having to get a vouch from a personal friend.

Lastly, hook up with a provider in your area who is smart and has been at this for longer than a couple of weeks. She will show you the ropes and give solid advice for your area. What works in Dallas, may not fly in Houston.

Sorry if I went on for a while. I hope everything works out for you and I look forward to hearing good things about you!
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Old 01-12-2010, 07:04 AM   #13
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Well in fairness to Lily, she is looking at a different segment of the market and is well known and established -- so deposits are probably less of an issue for her suitors. Although I'm sure deposits at any level do run off some business.

However, for a newbie, particularly in the "hourly" market, enderwiggin is exactly right -- deposits are a non-starter for most guys.
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Old 01-12-2010, 09:26 AM   #14
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I've never had reviews and am happy with the way things are going for me.

I advertise very little though but I do screen and require deposits if I am to meet someone outside of Manhattan, where I live.

Working for an agency, even a reputable one, can be hit or miss. They don't always screen, even if they say they do.

I would also advise perhaps writing some of the more established women on this site for advice. Some do reply, although many won't, as they're used to getting many emails from women looking to get into the business.
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Old 01-12-2010, 11:31 AM   #15
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Thanks to everyone who took the time to reply.

I'm not sure how I am going to go about all this.

I'm thinking I need to get some pictures up and see what the response will be.

I'm definately not as "hot" as alot of the women around here, but I rock the cute, sweet, nice thing.

I'm also not sure that I want to just do hourly, it would seem so much more enjoyable to get to know someone a little before rushing to bed.

I'm no prude, but it is just more exciting, IMO, to look forward to something.
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