My phone has duplicated many sentences even though I only write them out once so if this happens in this message I am sorry but my phone has been acting very strange the last week.
Some of you may have read this article Already but I figured if you have not read it yet and thought this is definitely important to post either way.
I also just want to say I have noticed with the new laws that clients have seem to be taking advantage of numerous girls from what I can hear and what I have personally gone through myself. Hoping this will help gentleman understand that we do need to be safe and that we are not disrespecting you by trying to verify you and also that everyone in the hobby should treat each other with respect. These type of actions of clients shorting girls, no shows asking for things they should never ask during if you know what I mean... this is why women have had to go out of their comfort zone and even take clients that are not verified because the ones we know seem to think it’s a privilege if you call us over and that once we are there you can do as you please and if you don’t like something you can do whatever you want.
Most clients are very nice and respectful but for those that are not should be banned and we really need more guidelines and safety rules in place with these sites because I know personally If the lady is attacked they will be punished (even kick them off a site for reporting it!), so if you want more information on that part please contact me because we are starting a new site and a list which many ladies will be joining to keep us all safer And not allowing bad behavior because the end result could be this...