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Security Matters Personal security is of the utmost priority. Discussions regarding every aspect of personal security within the hobby can be found here.

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Old 04-22-2017, 08:11 AM   #1
Sexy Sophia
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Question Same Screening Questions Asked My way!

Verifyhim, Mr. Number, SpyDialer, Intellius, Caller ID app, Provider Refs (not so much in Lafayette,La, certain local providers, in my age bracket especially, seem bitchy when asked about refs, not cool, so I don't bother most days)P411 OK's, ECCIE search, Social Media, LSP.org, Phone # searches, Buy/Sell groups, the list is endless when I attempt to screen......what am I missing??

I simply will not ask for work verification or what I consider too much RL info..
I've had too many gentlemen turn around and ask me the same things! Fair is Fair right! However during the initial screening process I do not want to tell someone I've never met my RL info.......But, if I'm asking them to divulge the personal details of their daily existence then what gives me the right to be put off by being asked the same damn things?
It seems lately that I'm being asked a ton of personal questions that I'm not comfortable answering. So when I take a step back and reevaluate my screening process, it's not unfair that the gentlemen ask me the same types of things. More times than not the hobbyists have more to lose than I do (I'm speaking for myself only, Every persons situation is different and I'm not trying to minimize what you have going on in your life. So don't be offended and jump my ass for making that statement. I own property, have a family, have a RL job, so on and so forth, but I don't provide full time any longer so my situation is much less to lose than someone who is married, has children, in a high profile career, so on and so forth) if something bad happens, so as of late, I'm trying to be much more conscientious of their personal boundaries as well as mine.....this change of heart and way of thinking has proven to make me even more paranoid and overly cautious than I normally would be!

I have many hoobbyists friends that do in fact know quite a bit about me and my RL. And vice-versa. It's a mutual respect and trust that has been built over time and I'm grateful and thankful that they trust me enough to include me in the mundane details and stories of their everyday lives. But these relationships, however limited, took a long time to build and didn't start out with me knowing too much RL info in the beginning.

So, question is this: what are some unique ways to screen new clients without getting way too cozy and asking private, personal questions that I don't want to answer my damn self?
The old methods are tired and worn out so anyone have any ideas of how to screen without acting like the CIA?

Happy Weekend Ladies and Gents!
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Old 04-22-2017, 08:14 PM   #2
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Very insightful. One other lady I have visited only inquired about the playground info such as phone and email data and the ECCIE or other review site handle, supposed she checked out the number of reviews the person had created. This, I guess, assured her of his real participation in the sport and also the ability to contact one or more of the ladies that were reviewed.
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Old 04-25-2017, 07:22 PM   #3
Buying a *Way to Heaven
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I'm not proposing any specific "screening" methods, but a couple of relevant points:

1. The point is not to prove the identity of someone over the phone - unless you are compiling the info for blackmail, or you are working for the Bad Guys. The point is to protect yourself.

2. Any single failure point system is easily defeated. If you rely only on phone questioning, you have single failure point protection.

3. The Bad Guys know all the common methods of "screening" and may be better at getting through the "screening" than an actual hobbyist.

4. Asking for things like employment verification that don't really protect you, but would be useful to a blackmailer or Pigg, do not encourage potential clients to trust you.

5. Protection starts with your advertising and extends throughout every encounter. The best way to avoid the Bad Guys is to not have them call you in the first place. Don't put stuff in an ad or profile that would help prosecute you - for instance self-incriminating statements like "no law enforcement or else you are entrapping me!" or "donations are for my time only NOW LETS HAVE FUN" Piggs, like other thieves, prefer easy victims; if you don't look easy they're more likely to pick on someone else. In person, don't discuss services or prices or anything hobby related. "Show, don't tell". Etc. Etc. Etc.
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Old 05-02-2017, 12:26 PM   #4
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It isn't necessarily unfair to allow employment verification as an option if you yourself don't give that out. There is no quid pro quo with the verification. All parties have the right to ask any info that makes them feel comfortable enough to meet, and all parties are free to decline to provide any such info they like and move on. I think reviews/references over a long period of time by reputable sources is probably the best way to verify but employment verification may be a great option for someone new to the hobby and who believes the provider is legit. Of course, anything can be faked, so it helps to know how solid info really is, and to not discuss activities that will take place. Let the reviews do that, as that is not the provider saying what will take place.
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