So I had my eye on someone who was in Lackawana for a while but the neighborhood really turned me off. Anyway she texted me saying she was really horny and running a special so I thought sure, fuck it, I hate my job and I haven't had a proper blowjob in ages, smoke a spliff and head out.
Some car followed me from the offramp down a bunch of streets no matter which way I turned, she wouldn't stop texting me asking for an ETA. I start taking the WRONG turns and this guy is still sticking to my ass on empty Buffalo streets, I do a U turn and loose him and cut down 2 blocks further and come up the escorts street the opposite way, 2 stupid fucking hood fucks in skimasks and sunglasses talking on a cellphone with the engine running, headlights off, tail lights on. Like seriously.. a skimask, glasses, and a neon fucking bandana, and your dumb ass is illuminating your faces with cellphones? Jesus fucking christ what a bunch of knuckleheads
I texted her I'm out and she'd better call the police cause theres guys sitting outside her place looking like they're ready to bust in and rob someone, she calls me a liar repeatedly, then after begging and pleading with me to come back and me telling her "I'm going to be letting the porn company you've been moon lighting with what you're upto since we both know "insert site owner name"and all the sudden she apologized and told me it was another client with an incogento fetish and hes harmless and he doesn't show up most the time and she double booked...
Bullshit bitch, first you called me a liar and said it was your neighbor after admitting someone was out there, then you admit its a client, yeah..your other client just shows up 15 minutes before you thought I was to sit in his car outside your house with a fucking weapon and a skimask this late at night??? bull fucking shit. BULLSHIT.
Anyway....I just want to thank you all. i've only tried to see a couple of people and its been an a bsolutely horrible experience in Buffalo, Especially since I got single a year before covid and haven't been able to have a single decent tinder date or meet anyone organically in this god forsaken fucking pussy wasteland of chicken wings, beer, and cottage cheese asses.
Had I not learned the ways of the whoremonger from all you old hands and taken years to scour the forms for little tips and tricks I probably wouldn't have known to always show up 15-20 minutes before you say you are, drive around the block once or twice, pay attention to the other houses within running distance ot see who's watching from what foyers, and basically do some solid recon, especially in most areas of Buffalo, before ever getting out of your fucking vehicle.
You folks saved me from having to use that 48" chromed cheater bar I keep in the tool bag with me at all times because you never know when your shitty rusty work truck might break down!
Thanks fellers!

Dumb bitch almost just caused another George Floydish protest situation or something I'm so pissed off. Like it would almost be better if everyone involved was white. It's so frustrating for so many reasons.
Its not bad enough that everyones expecting 300-500$ for an hour that doesn't look like a hairier older wrinklier Rhea Pearlman. or that all the blowjobs are covered, or escorts are catfishing, or they're like over 38 around here and absurdly expensive...people gotta try to cheat and rob motherfuckers just trying to have a little fun before ww3 kicks off. mother FUCK....GrrRRRrRRRRRrrrRRR I'm pooper-peeved! butt-mad! I done hee'd my last haw' pardners!