Well, it is very disappointing and even infuriating to find out you're not talking a real woman, but some perverted jackass pretending to be a woman.
I remember once back in the AOL days of the internet, dial up and chat rooms and the whole nine. I was going back and forth with a female chat buddy. At one point she thought it was hilarious to play a joke.
Her: I have a confession to make. I'm really a man.
[followed by]
[followed by]
[and finally]
[and then]
Even after later her saying she was just playing, for a while it didn't feel good talking to her.
I know, it may have been shallow and petty on my part to feel that way, but, we are who we are. Not everything is funny to everybody. Some things are just grossly offensive. 'Intimate' talk with a guy (if you're not gay) is one of them.
Long point short, I can relate to where dude was coming from...a little bit.