I never notice the particular demographics of each asshole that I have to deal with in traffic. Hell, I'm the ONLY person that knows how to drive anyway, so it's a wide variety from my perspective. White, Black, Asian, Mexican. Doesn't matter. All dumbasses are created equally.
Yeah, you got your left lane slow pokers, but FUCKERS I also hate are:
Dipshits who use the main lanes to slow down into a turning lane with a long runoff. Instead of getting in said turning lane and slowing down, they stay in my fucking way and only switch at the last minute, making me slow down for way too long.
Blind spot squatters. Ever go to change lanes, but...OH, SHIT...right as you prepare to change, some asshat right out of nowhere starts creeping up on that space. It's called a blind spot for a reason. We don't see your dumb ass in that spot. You as a driver need to be AWARE that you're in someone's blind spot, and make efforts to get out of it.
People who, in the turning lane (you're behind them), and the turning light is reaching its expiration, these fuckers who don't get more forward (technically into the middle of the intersection, or close to) so that as the last car that's holding us up passes by, they can go. If things break well, BOTH of you can go. But no. These fuckers hang back, basically still in the turning lane, and as the light is changing, they don't advance. So now we gotta wait through the next turning cycle.
Some intersection lights are quick cycling. Many times, you're in those intersections that have SHITTY turning cycles. You can read a book forwards and backwards before the light changes. Damn near an entire song has played.
In these type of intersections, you gotta be a little more aggressive to get out of...but when you're behind a DOUCHE that's in no hurry...
People who don't turn right on red lights that allow turns on the red light. If you're one of these people, you fucking suck. Period.