Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Trump was sending testing kits to Putin, his dictator hero, while espousing bleach down the throats and black lights up the butt.
Trashing CDC and NIH throughout.
You’ve got a strange recollection of those days dude.
Most of the CDC's pandemic related recommendations have been
debunked as pseudo-science; from the six foot thing to the definitions of what a genuine vaccine is, to the risk for younger people . . .even the actual mortality rate.
If everything the CDC said about the overall lethality of Covid, if everything the CDC said about the inefficacy of existing (generic, cheap) therapeutic drugs and treatment protocells was true . . .there would be no one left alive in Africa or other places dubbed "The Third World".
My labral, health conscious brother in law has had six Covid shots, got Covid twice and this summer had quadruple csrdiac bypass surgery.
It will be a
long time before the CDC or NIH have much credibility with me and milios of other folks.