Originally Posted by whitechocolate
Many women are incredibly horny during their periods and I have always enjoyed both fucking them as well as carefully sucking on their clit which are so responsive. I would bet many of the providers love sex during their periods
True statement !!!
It's not something I seek out but I've never let it bother me unless it's flowing like the dam has broke. In real life I never did it much because it grossed out the SO more than it did me. The first time in the hobby was with a body rub girl. After the flip I start some body kisses and worked my way down and was licking her clit, went to put a finger in and noticed the string hanging out. Obviously I stayed in the clit area but she never mentioned it. I just assumed she was overwhelmed with pleasure from my oral assault that it just slipped her mind. A couple of times I knew going in what to expect and a couple of times I wasn't told until I arrived and just made the best of it. The way I see it is if she is comfortable with it, it's not going to bother me, and even though activities may be somewhat restricted fun can still be had. It also helps if she is willing to reduce her rate a bit to offset the reduced menu.