Originally Posted by Loverboy3133
What does ROS stand for?
OK ,I'll volunteer .
ROS stands for " Rest Of Story "
It's a section in the review where the poster/reviewer in this case discretead , shares some of the more personal activities that took place during the appointment. He may reveal what the provider looked like in terms of age etc. Body type , and if she provided a Girl Friend Experience during their time together .
He usually gives a Recommendation YES or NO for the review and whether he would see her again. In ROS he may provide more details on how he reached his decision.
The information contained in Rest of Story is only available to Vouched members of the Board ,which is why you are unable to view it .
You ,Sir , can become a Vouched Member by 1.) Do a review yourself of a provider , a massage lady in AMP .
2) Purchase Membership on ECCIE for 3 months , 6 months , Year etc .
Welcome to the ECCIE Board loverboy