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Old 11-17-2022, 08:03 AM   #1
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Default You liberals need to watch Fox, I know you aren’t seeing it on your usual source

A great press conference about Joe Bidens impending investigation .
Just like the Trump BS , I am going to reserve guilt or innocence until more information is presented. Also like Trump, they presented some daring evidence against Uncle Joe, but they actually backed it up with some facts, not conjuncture.

Get the popcorn ready!
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Old 11-17-2022, 09:04 AM   #2
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Oh goodie- more wasted time and energy. If the Jan 6 committee was a waste of time, and there were ppl who are in jail because of it, then the Hunter laptop investigation will be even less excitement. Reasons being:

1.A Democratic run Senate- will not process any impeachment from the house, just like they did it for Trump.

2. Last time I checked, Hunter wasn't running for office, and while there may be some innuendo of impropriety, there will not be enough time to get through the laptop and facts to do anything about it.

3. The ppl elected to the house are there to create laws for the citizens of the US. I'm fairly certain that the entire populous of the US has seen that investigations, lead to nothing in this day and age. Payback for looking into Trump- maybe, but results; nope

4. The lame duck presidency will be the worst 2 yrs coming due to nothing getting done, while we all pay these numbskulls to sit and bloviate on more conspiracy theories and accusations.

This is reminding me more about high school than anything, where we are gonna get that guy for saying bad things about our side; and vice versa. I'd rather they all got voted out. One thing is for sure- politics in the US is broken, and there are really bad rules that keep ppl there longer than needed. Imagine if there was no way for a speaker of the house or senate to limit the bills that came to the floor and they ALL had to be voted on; There actually might be some great things that happen in the congress. The fact that 70-80% never see the light of day is horrible.

No that is not something you'll hear about on Fox, CNN or any other channel. But if you're tribe wears red, and you are out for just watching a charade and more drama, the next cpl years will be fun for you. Just nothing getting done however will be the outcome.
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Old 11-17-2022, 09:13 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by eyecu2 View Post
Oh goodie- more wasted time and energy. If the Jan 6 committee was a waste of time, and there were ppl who are in jail because of it, then the Hunter laptop investigation will be even less excitement. Reasons being:

1.A Democratic run Senate- will not process any impeachment from the house, just like they did it for Trump.

2. Last time I checked, Hunter wasn't running for office, and while there may be some innuendo of impropriety, there will not be enough time to get through the laptop and facts to do anything about it.

3. The ppl elected to the house are there to create laws for the citizens of the US. I'm fairly certain that the entire populous of the US has seen that investigations, lead to nothing in this day and age. Payback for looking into Trump- maybe, but results; nope

4. The lame duck presidency will be the worst 2 yrs coming due to nothing getting done, while we all pay these numbskulls to sit and bloviate on more conspiracy theories and accusations.

This is reminding me more about high school than anything, where we are gonna get that guy for saying bad things about our side; and vice versa. I'd rather they all got voted out. One thing is for sure- politics in the US is broken, and there are really bad rules that keep ppl there longer than needed. Imagine if there was no way for a speaker of the house or senate to limit the bills that came to the floor and they ALL had to be voted on; There actually might be some great things that happen in the congress. The fact that 70-80% never see the light of day is horrible.

No that is not something you'll hear about on Fox, CNN or any other channel. But if you're tribe wears red, and you are out for just watching a charade and more drama, the next cpl years will be fun for you. Just nothing getting done however will be the outcome.

People are in jail due to a corrupt , political justice department. You know the one instructed to go after parents of school children , Russia collusion, stuff like that. I also didn’t say I was in favor of it , what would impeaching Biden accomplish? I tend to look forward rather than backwards. But you keep on thinking the libturds can do no wrong, certainly is your right.
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Old 11-17-2022, 09:30 AM   #4
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Maybe the same numbnuts who dis the 3 year Benghazi investigation can oversee this one too!
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Old 11-17-2022, 09:31 AM   #5
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biden gone or not

he needs his face rubbed in the poop of his lies and corruption
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Old 11-17-2022, 10:41 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought View Post
biden gone or not

he needs his face rubbed in the poop of his lies and corruption
Comrade nevergaveitathought....where you been? Russia visiting Vady!
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Old 11-17-2022, 10:58 AM   #7
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you are slipping up

you're so used to saying comrade in your clandestine meetings you are even calling americans "comrade"
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Old 11-17-2022, 11:41 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by oilfieldace View Post
A great press conference about Joe Bidens impending investigation .
Just like the Trump BS , I am going to reserve guilt or innocence until more information is presented. Also like Trump, they presented some daring evidence against Uncle Joe, but they actually backed it up with some facts, not conjuncture.

Get the popcorn ready!

Fox still airing useless crap....is Hunter's laptop going to be impeached? BWAHAHAAAA
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Old 11-17-2022, 01:43 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by matchingmole View Post
Fox still airing useless crap....is Hunter's laptop going to be impeached? BWAHAHAAAA
Thanks for your much wanted version, have a blessed day,BTW Fox isn’t the topic,
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Old 11-17-2022, 01:51 PM   #10
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This isn't about Hunter, never has been about Hunter. Hunter's laptop is a means to an end and that end is to prove to the American people that not only is their President a liar, it looks like he sold his name to the highest bidder which just so happens to be our biggest enemy economically and militarily.

I don't care if the Senate won't impeach. I imagine the exact same words used by Democrats when they decided to impeach Trump over a phone call with a "quid pro quo" argument that can easily be applied to Joe Biden.

True, not much will get done for the next two years legislatively speaking and all things considered, that's a good thing if it stops the Biden train of insanity.

And those things you say we'll never hear on Fox News, sorry, already heard that discussion on new rules for the House and Senate. Now whether that means a damn thing or not, at least get the story straight.

All these matters were brought up in the leadership vote on McCarthy. The Freedom causus is making such demands to get their vote.

You'll get every political angle ( including the Democrats side ) on a story if you watch Fox news shows with panel discussions because there is ALWAYS a Democrat in those conversations.

You may not like what you hear on Fox news but at least you'll hear it unlike left leaning media that will try to cover up any story that might hurt the Democrat party and now thanks to Fox News, we have the evidence of collusion/ conspiracy between Big Tech. and the Democrat party like the FBI meeting with Mark Zukerberg to tell him he "better be careful" what he puts out there because it is ALL "more than likely", Russian disinformation like Humter's laptop........ according to the intel experts.
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Old 11-17-2022, 02:05 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought View Post
you are slipping up

you're so used to saying comrade in your clandestine meetings you are even calling americans "comrade"
Did you know any of the ladies who pee'd on Donnie?

Back to the subject matter... is Fox the only news source that will report that Republicans are going to investigate that laptop like they did Benghazi? I doubt it...I bet all will report about their investigations. Not sure the point of this thread.
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Old 11-17-2022, 02:25 PM   #12
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Boy that certainly isn’t surprising in the least, it seems the Republicans MIGHT have some evidence, that’s a concept the Democratic House majority is not familiar with, they tend to shoot into a tree and hope they hit something, in other words Democrats are dumber than dirt.

While you are pondering the universe, what is the point of any post in here? Got to be at least 10-15 people that see it, so they ( the posts) have no bearing on anything. I like messing with brain dead democrats! That’s my reason for posting or responding to any of you mental giants, what’s your excuse Captain?
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Old 11-17-2022, 02:57 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Not sure the point of this thread.
in the interest of full disclosure, i recommend you append your statement to all your posts
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Old 11-17-2022, 08:06 PM   #14
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I switched to Fox the other day.
They always seemed like a light weight outfit.
What do you know? They pre-empt #HeWhoShallBeNamed speech.
Why would they do that?!?!

I only turned to Fox because for some reason OAN wasn't there anymore? Can someone tell me what happened to that freeloading deadbeat (they were given a channel slot gratis by ATT *I* think) radical station?
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Old 11-17-2022, 08:41 PM   #15
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Yup, repugnants will investigate, sue and get laughed out of court and sanctioned like Don the Con’s 40 times!

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