Originally Posted by LonesomeDove
Take it if from someone who has been outed multiple times by a provider who is a mod on another site and who has been helped in doing the outings from the same site's other mods and an administrator. What site I am referencing is not important but it is very well known. 
Does anyone
not know you got sideways with a provider who is a mod on another site? When are you going to stop screaming about it and move on?
I don't think you need to preface any more posts with this info which is now very old news...
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Back on topic:
If you are in business, do you keep your clients info handy?
So why would anyone think that agencies and providers would be any different? Know the risks and adjust your behavior accordingly.
I have never seen any gal from an agency where I had to give my real info.
Despite any claims to the contrary, I refuse to believe
all my info is destroyed after screening. Even if it is, deleted files and shredded documents have a way of coming back to life. Ask "the mob" or anyone who has faced an organized crime/money laundering case.