Originally Posted by loveboydodo
Damn! My current city is dead even compared to US standards. 
Same with mine, worst lineup since 2002 once moved here. The prices suck but worse is the quality; I'd pay $300 but not for the options; it's flushing $ down the drain. Like you, I want out of the country..
but I agree w KcQ that any place to go is too dangerous with either infections = or > than here. I'd consider TJ in a few months but hoping the EU somehow opens. The UK is an option as is IRE but must Q-tine for 14 days but not worth it although London is a great place now very jealous of my friends there now fucking for cheap. I get sick to the stomach when they send me the links to the girls they fuck. It is possible Portugal or Greece will open for us maybe even Spain but they face a backlash from Brussels if they did; so not holding my breath.
Cross fingers something happens. Here is the latest list of where we can go and conditions. Sadly, based on the options we must wait... Good luck to you...