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Old 12-30-2022, 02:28 PM   #1
Muy Largo
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Default National liar of the Year, and maybe the century

Barely edging out George Santos is Donald J Trump, the most prolific teller of falsehoods in the history of the presidency.

What stands out about this magnificent, shameless liar is his ability to pivot when confronted with his lies. He can lie with a straight face like no one we've ever seen. He seems to find some sort of glee and pleasure in lying.

What separates Trump from all others as a deceitful and misguided person are the comments made by those who served under him, in his administration.

Here's a collection of reminders regarding why we must toss this scoundrel onto the trash heap of history:

Observations made by former officials in the President Donald Trump administration ---

Mark Esper, Secretary of Defense under President Donald Trump:
(Donald Trump is an) “unprincipled person who, given his self-interest, should not be in the position of public service...My concern about Donald Trump trying to run for office again is he doesn't put country first and that's a problem for me, a major problem.”

Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State under President Donald Trump:
"[Trump’s] understanding of global events, his understanding of global history, his understanding of U.S. history was really limited.”

General John Kelly, chief of staff under President Donald Trump:
"The depths of [Trump’s] dishonesty is just astounding to me. The dishonesty, the transactional nature of every relationship, though it's more pathetic than anything else. He is the most flawed person I have ever met in my life."

John Bolton, national security advisor under President Donald Trump:
"[Trump’s] opinions are seen … for the flimsy and twisted thoughts that they really are."

Richard Spencer, Navy Secretary under President Donald Trump:
"… (Trump) has very little understanding of what it means to be … governed by a uniform set of rules and practices."

Brett McGurk, U.S. envoy for the global coalition to counter ISIS under President Donald Trump:
“Donald Trump is not a Commander-in-Chief. He makes impulsive decisions with no knowledge or deliberation.”

General James Mattis, Secretary of Defense under President Donald Trump:
“Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people—does not even pretend to try. Instead, he tries to divide us."

William Barr, Attorney General under President Donald Trump:
“Before the [2020] election it was sometimes possible to talk sense to the president…But I felt that after the election he didn’t seem to be listening…There was never an indication of interest in what the actual facts were.”

General Mark Milley, former chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in his letter of resignation to President Trump:
“The events of the last couple weeks have caused me to do deep soul-searching, and I can no longer faithfully support and execute your orders as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.It is my belief that you were doing great and irreparable harm to my country. I believe that you have made a concerted effort over time to politicize the United States military.”

Ty Cobb, President Donald Trump’s White House attorney:
(Donald Trump was a) “deeply wounded narcissist … My personal view is that it’s less a character issue than a personality defect.”

Never have we seen such criticism of a president by former staffers. It is my pleasure to nominate Donald J Trump as asshole of the century and reprehensible fiend and liar of the year.
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Old 12-30-2022, 03:17 PM   #2
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Hahahaha, of course it's Donald Trump. Trump has told more lies and committed more crimes than anyone in history. Yet no one can define them. With every accusation Democrats make about Trump they look dumber and dumber.
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Old 12-30-2022, 04:09 PM   #3
Muy Largo
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Examine the list of men who commented about Domald J Trump. Is there a Democrat in the group?

Trump's lies have been defined and cited over and over and over. I still enjoy the one he told about being invited by the Yankees to throw out the first pitch at their home opener. The Yankees scratched their heads and asked, What? His lie about Antifa being responsible for the Jan 6th riot was simple to refute. He unflinchingly lies about petty shit and more consequential stuff. Adios, Donald J Trump.
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Old 12-30-2022, 04:37 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Muy Largo View Post
Examine the list of men who commented about Domald J Trump. Is there a Democrat in the group?

Trump's lies have been defined and cited over and over and over. I still enjoy the one he told about being invited by the Yankees to throw out the first pitch at their home opener. The Yankees scratched their heads and asked, What? His lie about Antifa being responsible for the Jan 6th riot was simple to refute. He unflinchingly lies about petty shit and more consequential stuff. Adios, Donald J Trump.
If you stare at a single dot on a wall long enough it will begin to expand and become distorted. That's what Trump has done to some of you. The perception of Trump has become so distorted because weak fearful people can't take their eyes off of him. It's Pathetic.
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Old 12-30-2022, 10:04 PM   #5
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Well, this guy is holding his own.

This guy gotta quadruple down to catch up with the amount of bs.
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Old 12-30-2022, 10:04 PM   #6
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Old 12-31-2022, 05:58 AM   #7
ICU 812
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Looks like Santos just made himself up. Only words such as travesty and Charlatan can be used to describe his deception. How did he think this would never be noticed.

Moreover, how did the news folks let all this slip past? How did the Democrat opposing him miss it all too?

But all this legitimate hoo-ha brings up another set of issues: It has been well documented that President Biden has falsely claimed to be a man other than he is. Never jailed in Apartheid South Africa for trying to see Nelson Mandella for instance. He has made false claims about his education record and many other things. Had to drop out of s previous presidential campaign when it was found he had plagiarized a speech by a British politician. . .it just goes on.

These are not misstatements or "gaffs" such as being confused about the day or aq location during a hectic campaign. These are intentional misrepresentations and outright lies.

The liberal progressive left should be careful about hounding Santos. let the Republicans do it or there could be serious hell to pay for Mr. Biden.
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Old 12-31-2022, 06:03 AM   #8
ICU 812
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Santos has not yet been seated, and that may not happen in a Republican controlled House. Yet President Biden has a 40 yearlong record on re-inventing himself on-the-fly.

Mr. Trump is no longer in office. It may be due to the deceptions alleged by the left. The point I would make is that both Santos and Biden are now or will soon be holding high public office and should face robust public scrutiny.

Criticism of Santos for misrepresenting his background, education or employment history seem to be justified, and his party is not happy with him for that. He may not be seated by the incoming Republican congress.

It is my position that President Biden has a long and well-known history of misrepresenting himself with ridiculous claims that canoften be refuted by reporters even as he is still speaking at an event. . . .and the Democrats should do "something" about that. I think Mr. Biden should face the same disapprobation and consiquences form his party that Santos is facing now.
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