So today I set up an appointment with Mariana, and it really didn't worked out. We started to text for an appointment. When I got there she told me that she only had 15min and needed to turn in the room. I was like fudge that. 15min for the quote for her time... no way.
She stated she asked for an extension, but only 20min more... I was already there so I decided to go in. She opened the door and it was her on the pics.. She is much skinner though. Not really that plummed ass in the pics, but it is her. She is still very pretty. It's a nonGFE, bring your own hat, cause she wants to charge you an additional $15 for 1. As soon as she said that... I decided to walk out. Left a tip for her time, but I would not go back. I am sure there are a bunch of NOs.