Originally Posted by KalyEscort
if you think that something superficial as the phisical beauty is the only skill that one person can have to be into a relationship...
1- You're a teen
2- You're a superficial person who doesn't have nothig else to offer inside you.
3- 3rd world country citizen also have dignity.
4- Beauty go away with the age, so with your point no more dates for adults, only into the range 20-30 yo.
If you have a real life, relationships become directly from your activities. First you meet someone and the chemistry do the rest.  Less internet, more real life. 
Let's talk about some of your points there.
1. Attractive women only cares about looks. If she likes his personality but doesn't like the way he look, she wont consider him non platonically.
He can strive to be the best version himself or "have something inside to offer" but all that is pointless unless he's ALREADY good looking and thus amplify his attraction and hit rate.
But however, good looking guys doesnt need personality thanks to tinder/social media. They get pre-selected enough and capitalize on women's signal.
If you are average or below, or if you arent the top 10%-15% of your race as a minority...tough shit. Unless you have money or status. Outsidr of these exceptions it's your looks that will determine your sucess with the opposite sex.
Your only options is to spam approach in order to migitae good looking guys, pay a hooker or go to third world countries.
2. Third world countries have different dating dynamics. For example, a white guy goes to Thailand will have it easier than the Asian guy who does pickup in LA.
There's no feminism in third world countries, prostitution is legal/tolerated, so it will be very easy for an old white man to go there since women has less power and resources.
3. Girls have all the power when they're in their 18-25 yrs of age. This is when they're still in college going out to bars and having fun they're not ready to settle down. They are still at their sexual peak and they get their pick of any man they want. Girls will usually explore their fullest extent around this age and they will have one night stand with guys who are good looking. These are the frat guys/chads that have social status in college.
After college they enter the real world. Dating becomes a nightmare. Most women nowadays are hypergamy if you are not good looking kiss your chance goodbye.