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Old 08-21-2024, 09:06 AM   #1
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Default Costa del Sol, Part 1

This report and the one I'll submit in a minute are old, from 2022, but will give you a good idea of what's available in puta clubs on the Costa del Sol. I've only scratched the surface by the way. Marbella during summer is wall-to-wall, high class putas, available in conventional nightclubs, on web sites and walking down the street. I will use the present tense because that's the way I orignally wrote this.

Cleofas and Fontana

This has been one bizarre day. It was practically raining sand this afternoon. The sky was some shade of brownish pink straight out of a bad science fiction movie and visibility progressively got worse and worse. A storm had carried a ton of dirt from the Sahara and dumped it all over everything. A local told me this happens from time to time, but this was the worst he'd ever seen. I'd been walking around in the rain and my clothes were filthy. So I figured I looked too ragged for Fontana, and that left only one option: Cleofas.

I got there about 5:30 PM and there were 5 women there. None were particularly attractive, but one Dominican named Sirena (I think) had huge tata's and kind of did it for me. So I contracted with her for an hour for 130 EUR. Service was great and she was fun to talk to. She told me there were only 5 women who worked there, being 3 Dominicanas, one espanola and one woman from Turkey. Anyway if you want some action in the afternoon, after 5:00 PM when they open, and you're not too picky, this might be a happy hunting ground.

So afterwards it was time to find a good place to eat. I ended up at Restaurante Cortijo Guadacorte, a short distance from Fontana. The appetizer, a salad of tomato, avocado and tuna drenched in olive oil, was world class. The baked fish was good.

Aside: I couldn't figure out for the life of me why my friend PayForIt gave me ridiculously detailed instructions how to get to Fontana. Didn't he figure I'd just dial Hotel Guadacorte Park (which is right next to Fontana) into my GPS? What kind of fool does he think I am? Well, what I discovered is that PayForIt is a wise man, and I'm a dumb ass. I discovered you can spend endless time taking the wrong exit off of roundabouts and going in circles up and down Highway A7. Next time I'm going to memorize PayForIt's directions.

After Restaurante Cortijo Guadacorte, with some difficulty, I ended up at Hotel Guadacorte Park. They had a room available for $65. I took it, cleaned up, and headed over on foot to Fontana.

My initial impression was very negative. The Eastern European women, apparently mostly Bulgarians, with a couple of Romanians, are fucking sharks. They wouldn't leave me alone even after I'd politely ask them to get lost. I actually started to walk out of the club after about 5 minutes, and on the way out one of the women talked me into coming back. I was next accosted by a Venezuelan who was a bit more courteous than the Bulgarians. She maybe was in her late 30's, but still had a kick ass body. Her name was Evie. She introduces me to her attractive friend Laisa. Evie starts putting the hard sell on me. $250 for both of them for 40 minutes. She tells me all the perverted things they're going to do with me. When she figures I'm not interested she offers her friend for an hour for 250 euros. I said what's the deal, it's only 180 euros. She says no, it hasn't been 180 in a long time. I say OK, I'm going to look around some more. She says OK, my friend Laisa will spend an hour with you for $200.

So off we go. When we go to get a room, Laisa tells the attendant something about Evie. When we're naked and about to do the deed, Evie walks in, throws off her clothes, and starts going down on me. Anyway she succeeded in getting me agree to go for both of them, $200 a piece, for an hour.

Evie trots off and then comes back with her bag of toys. She lays about 5 giant dildos out on the bed, and says she likes to get fucked in the ass, but the dildos are for me. No fucking way! I tell her you're not shoving one of those up my ass. She says but the Spaniards like it. Well, fine, I don't. Then she asks if I want some *******, gratis. Actually when I told one of the Bulgarians to buzz off earlier she also asked me if I wanted some. Anyway no to that too.

I ended up directing the two women and had a reasonably good time. Laisa was annoying as hell when we were doing the deed though, because she kept her fingers around the condom while I was fucking her. I'd heard of women doing that before but figured it was some kind of urban legend. Now I can attest it happens in real life.

Evie was perverted as hell, but she only wanted me to enter her doggie style or do her in the ass. Finally she relented and got on top though.

After about 45 minutes the festivities came to an end and we parted. I guess I should have gone for the 250 EUR for 2 women for 40 minutes deal. It would have been 150 cheaper than what I paid.

Would I go back to the place? I'm not sure. If I knew Evie were going to be there, I would for sure. That was quite the memorable experience. But Fontana is out of the way and not close to much of anything. There was one Bulgarian who was drop dead gorgeous. And a number of the women were doable.
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