No Drama this is all in Fun

People acting as if they know every damn thing. A comment for Everyyyyybody on Everyyyy Forum on everyyyy thread they have the Answer.
I'm not talking about people that just love posting to add to the conversation.
I'm talking about the KNOW-IT-ALLS Geesh. They even have THE ANSWER TO END WORLD HUNGER I BET.Damn! LMAO!
I'm a Social Media junkie so I'm always on something.
(Networking/Business/Entertainment) lol
BUT DAMN! lmao have Alllll the Answers. This person has to be God in Disguise I promise. Lol NOBEL PEACE PRIZE IN THE MAKING LMAO
This is the thing..Everyone has their way of doing things and Opinions. And some Feel great when they give someone advice. I guess its like a High I'm assuming lol. I get it.
Know-it-All of the Board?