So what is the deal here. Perhaps one of you could save me the trouble of scouring through all of the posts..
Do we have "local" mods and if so, who are they?
Are the rules posted and if so, are they common sense, or is it something I am going to actually have to read? LOL perhaps they are the same or close to the same as another well known board?
Is this place a copy of or run like another place I am sure we are all aware of?
Do I have to earn a ROS premium access, or is it bought like other places? perhaps a few details on this?
Do mods get ROS without paying or earning it? preferential treatment?
Is this another hobby board where some of the people from Texas think they are the center of the universe?
Exactly how active is this board?
Is this board expected to replace another well known board?
What is the mission statement, goal, objective, slogan, motto, secret handshake, etc?
Is this board a "for profit" business or is it TRULY for the good of the community? or both?
Is this board located at a data center with a webhost who can actually handle the bandwidth required and also on a machine that has the power to function properly considering the possible demand?
Is this version of Vbulletin up to date and properly configured?
Have any modifications been done to this vbulletin?
If so, have they been done by someone who knows what they are doing and actually knows how to use a database?
Also, if modifications have been done, is the vbulletin software still updateable?
Is there going to be transparency or just a lot of hidden agendas?
OK, I think that is enough questions for now

If I get an answer to every single one, I will be EXTREMELY impressed.