1. open a free account at a pic hosting website such as
http://old.villagephotos.com/ or
2. Once you opened an account and ready to upload photos click on browse to find the pic on your computer and upload it
3. Once its uploaded, copy the text in the box that says "URL of image"; it should start with
http://img.villagephotos.com or
http://www.imagecoast.com/images/ depending on which pic hosting site you use
4. Whenever you want to post a photo find

click on it and enter the text from the pic url in the box and press ok and then your pic should show up. For a faster method find a pic on the internet right click on that pic to "view image"; copy the text in the address bar and paste it in this box or you can drag the image over but you have to make sure the cursor is where you want it before you release