Originally Posted by bambino
Show me where in the Constitution that mandates FEDERAL income tax. I’m guessing you like the IRS too!!!!! My guess you’re in the tax bracket that doesn’t pay taxes. I think it’s under 24k
Simmer down, lad. There's no need to start throwing insults about how wealthy someone is or is not. That is a low shot.
Bam, so you own a car? Do you drive? Do you buy things? Do you use American currency? Do you have a 401k? Do you have a legal job? Do you have a bank account? Checking account? Credit card? Then you're getting taxed.
If you want to be one of those 'free citizens' who tries to pretend that the law doesn't apply to them, then you can only really do that if
- You don't own a car (car tax for license and registration)
- You don't drive (taxes fund road infra)
- You don't buy anything (sales tax)
- You don't use currency (you have to barter with goods, MR Free Citizen)
- You only hold illegal jobs and get paid cash under the table. Just like with illegal immigrants. Why do you want to be like them? huh
- You don't have any kind of finance accounts (you don't hold your wealth, it isn't your wealth!)
I hope that you, Mr Free Citizen, also only buy foodstuffs directly from farmers, too. Because grocery stores (Walmart, GE, Shopnsave, Kuhns) all receive some kind of financial support from the government, too, which is in part paid with our tax dollars. Food stamps, dairy and grain subsidies...
You can't 'not' pay taxes and expect to get your just deserts. That isn't how it works. There are only two types of people who don't pay taxes. People with enough 'fuck you' money, and stupid people. I'm not accusing anyone of being either here, just that someone with enough money to not have to worry about taxes really has better things to do than debate politics on a hookerboard.